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{{ 'About' | translate }} Crowdfund Westminster

{{ 'About' | translate }} Crowdfund Westminster

Created by Westminster City Council, Crowdfund Westminster is designed to enable Westminster residents and businesses to support creative, diverse projects that will benefit our communities. Throughout the coronavirus outbreak and the lockdown, we’ve seen an incredible outpouring of support and compassion across Westminster’s communities. Crowdfund Westminster enables us to channel that fantastic community spirit to support projects that help residents get back on their feet, learn new skills and care for their local environment. Along with advice and support for interested organisations, the council also has three funds it can use to pledge to campaigns (with funding dependent on the nature of the project), including a brand new Smart City fund for this round. As part of this programme there are two funding rounds a year in the Spring and Autumn. See the below tab for more information on the Autumn 2022 funding round and join us on the 4th of August for our next workshop.

{{ 'OurJourney' | translate }}

38 projects hit their fundraising target!2 years ago

Brilliant news, thanks everyone!

44 projects started fundraising!3 years ago
1 supporters has joined Crowdfund Westminster 5 years ago
Crowdfund Westminster launched! 5 years ago