{{'ShowingProjects' | translate : { fromNumber : "13", toNumber : "24", totalNumber : "201" } }}
Complete modernisation and refurbishment of the practice facilities at Euxton Cricket Club to ensure use by all members of the local cricket community
To empower women in marginalised communities through fitness and health. We’ll train a team of 10 Fitness Champions to offer free and subsidised exercise classes to people on low incomes in Kingsfold.
Celebrate the winter season with a month long programme of free festive fun in Lancaster city centre. With music, performing arts, reindeer and Santa, there really will be something for everyone.
New Longton Sports and Social Club intend to extend the outside spectator viewing area, and to provide safe access to the children's play area.
A Literacy Through Photography symposium that integrates the interdisciplinary potential of creative storytelling and sharing for disempowered and disparaged people
Our current astroturf nets have seen better days and are unusable. We need your support to upgrade our training facilities to continue to grow the cricket club and our junior teams.
Garstang Community Sports Club is raising money to re-develop our facility, so that we can provide accessible facilities for our growing membership of all ages, whilst also increasing community space.
Following on from our triumphant, free painting symposium last February we are excited to bring a special painting exhibition and full program of talks, critiques and mentoring over the next year.
To improve the use of the Village Hall building for the users, by providing a new independant entrance that accesses each room separetely. Also providing new toilets including disabled facilities,
Recycled Future Fashion Cultural Show will display Unwanted clothes Renovated in different cultural traditions adapted to climate change at family workshops with young people from diverse communities
‘Girls that Brunch’ is a safe space for young girls can meet on a Saturday. Teach cooking, painting, health skills and more. Gives girls a platform, ensuring healthier, happier and more connected.
Our local community will work with an Artist to design and create a mural and sign for the Hartington Hut - it currently looks like three disused garages and we want to transform this valuable space!
{{'GotAProjectIdeaOfYourOwn' | translate }}?