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{{ 'About' | translate }} Our Music Crowd

{{ 'About' | translate }} Our Music Crowd

Music is a vital part of young people's lives and the benefits of high quality music education are huge. Arts Council England has launched the Our Music Crowd programme to support Music Education Hubs (Hubs) to develop their crowdfunding skills. Through a dedicated fund, Arts Council England will pledge towards crowdfunding campaigns run by Hubs on Spacehive, as well as offer training and support in crowdfunding for Hub staff. Arts Council England holds the DfE's funding for Hubs and as such we're committed to supporting them to explore new ways to draw in income. We hope that Our Music Crowd provides an exciting way for Hubs to build on their existing activity, explore new areas of work, and to benefit the communities they work in. The campaigns set up by Hubs will help them raise additional income for projects which provide more music activities directly to children and young people.

{{ 'OurJourney' | translate }}

13 projects hit their fundraising target!6 years ago

Brilliant news, thanks everyone!

26 projects started fundraising!6 years ago
1 Pledge worth £3,5006 years ago
1 supporters has joined Our Music Crowd 6 years ago
Our Music Crowd launched! 6 years ago