{{'ShowingProjects' | translate : { fromNumber : "13", toNumber : "24", totalNumber : "60" } }}
Hammersmith & Fulham Writers Festival, will begin as a one-day indie festival, in partnership with Bush Theatre and Shepherds Bush Library.
Linacre Court TRA are creating an international community kitchen at our new community centre! We need your help to buy a fridge/freezer and cooker that will allow us to prepare tasty meals!
The Invisible Café, plays the role of "the Third Place” – a safe and comfortable, sociable gathering spot. Either remotely or in person. It's not home and it's not work! It's a unique venture.
Wendell Park Gardening Friends is looking to install low metal railings to protect the replanted herbaceous borders and flower beds alongside Wendell Road.
Older, less mobile, or visually impaired people go for a free sociable ride on a side-by-side cycle for exercise, to the shops, to visit family or friends, to explore, or just for FUN
SEAPIA needs your help to continue this much needed service for the children of Sands End.
Providing free Iftar meals at home for vulnerable residents in Hammersmith and Fulham, cooked fresh at a restaurant and delivered safely by volunteers who will also undertake a welfare check.
Mutual Aid Hammersmith are raising money to support neighbours, by providing 200 same-day emergency meals and provisions during the COVID-19 crisis. In this together!
Connect vulnerable children living in Hammersmith and Fulham, who are most affected by Covid-19 measures, with an inspirational mentor who will support them to be happy and healthy.
We are setting up a community supported beehive project in H&F as a response to Covid-19. We are dedicated to organic practices and providing locally produced honey by our endangered Native black bees
To buy a new disabled adapted minibus with a wheelchair lift so that older residents can enjoy day trips, summer outings and a shopping service, both during the Corona virus outbreak and thereafter.
To provide free meals and care packages to vulnerable and at risk residents in Hammersmith and Fulham
{{'GotAProjectIdeaOfYourOwn' | translate }}?