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The Invisible Café, plays the role of "the Third Place” – a safe and comfortable, sociable gathering spot. Either remotely or in person. It's not home and it's not work! It's a unique venture.
The Invisible Café is an unique concept created for people with Invisible Illnesses, like Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia Syndrome or Crohn's disease - to name but a few. It's a calm space to relax, meet other like minded people, feel supported, understood and above all - have some fun. A one stop shop for help, advice and support. All are welcome, especially those who have been on the shielding list and those who still are shielding. The Invisible Café 2.0 will work with other community groups to offer help and support to those in need. As well as supporting carers and other key workers and assistants, in our community. We require funding for the first six months. After which, we hope to become self funding. Through a series of fund raising events, a side business (vintage designer fashion) and grant applications.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
The Invisible Café is a Community Interest Company for people with Invisible Illnesses. As no “visible” supports to indicate a disability such as a cane, walking frame or wheelchair, the illness becomes Invisible and too often the person does too. This can result in negative reactions and add to social isolation. By meeting other people with other conditions, this is a stress free way to make new friends, be more active and learn from others' experiences. While, no two people or conditions are identical, being able to chat to others with similar conditions can help one’ manage their own symptoms. This will help with psychological wellbeing and promote positive mindful actions. Which, has been medically document to have a direct effect on symptom management. The Invisible Café will hold various classes to be streamed live on the website and be available to download. Benefits from being a member offers discounts on beauty treatments, gym membership, exclusive events in H&F + more...
Steps to get it done:
Bringing the community together to say thank you to all service providers throughout the pandemic. We will create a mural in Lillie Park. It has been a godsend for the community during this time. We would want to hold a community Mid Summer picnic in the park. Hopefully before the new school year starts. Or maybe in the Autumn term. It will be to bring the community together and say thank you.
Location Hammersmith and Fulham
About the space
Hammersmith and Fulham
London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
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Oh em geeeeee!!!! 2 years of hard grafting, sleepless nights, tears, tantrums, meetings after meetings, emails upon emails upon freaking emails but... We made it, we reached our target. It's been a tough climb to get here but we did it! I burst into tears when I heard the news. If it wasn't 10am, I would have opened that bottle of Champagne - that's been under my sink for the last 2 years!! I am so grateful to each and everyone of you, for your help, support and of course the amazing pledges you've all made. Special thanks to those of you who were too shy to leave any contact details and pledged anonymously, thank you. Those of you overseas, thank you and sorry the the Pound is quite strong at the moment lol. Much love to each one of you. It's been a helluva ride! Ros and the Invisible Café xXx Ps. See you on the other side
Brilliant news, thanks everyone!
Only 8 days to go! Let's go for a big push and let's get the extra 11% we need to launch. If, you've made a pledge, pledge again or share the ink amongst your network. C'mon lets make this happen. Massive thanks to all the lovely anonymous angels who have helped us get this far. Much love and gratitude to you all 💕💕
We are so so close to our target, can you hear that clock ticking?? 10 days to go, just over 10% left to raise - TIC TOCK TICC!! We are asking everyone to dig deep - down the back of your sofa, at the bottom of your manbag or handbag and see if you can find any extra cash to get us to the finish line. The Invisible Café is needed now more than ever. And with your help we can launch this important and much needed on-line project. Thank you ❤️
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £13,975
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:
Target (inc. fees) £13,975
Our Volunteer List
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