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{{ 'About' | translate }} Crowdfund Crawley

{{ 'About' | translate }} Crowdfund Crawley

Crawley is a great place to both live and do business but that doesn’t mean we can’t make it even better. The Crowdfund Crawley initiative provides a new and exciting hub for the residents of Crawley to develop and share creative and innovative projects that will benefit the local community. Whatever the idea, from reclaiming waste ground for a pocket park to a community art project, Crowdfund Crawley is a way for you to shape Crawley through crowdfunding. If you have an idea for a project that will benefit your community then create a crowdfunding project page and become part of Crowdfund Crawley. If your project can show that you have the backing of the community then Crawley Borough Council may also pledge up to £5,000 to your project. See the below tabs on the process for more information.

{{ 'OurJourney' | translate }}

Crawley youth club
Crawley youth club joined Crowdfund Crawley1 months ago

I must have the money in order to hire a space for the youth club to begin. A facility and a variety of equipment, including laptops, TVs, boarding games, music equipment, and many other things, are required for this. Additionally, money will be needed for products, venue decoration, and other partnerships with local organisations and performers. The goal is to teach the youth of Crawley and the neighbouring areas to refrain from using or wearing blades in public. In order to divert young people's focus from crime, I want to use a variety of activities, such as creating music, dance, sports, or artwork, in conjunction with a program that raises awareness and prevents knife crime. Since knife crime and overall crime among teenagers have increased significantly in recent years, I believe that providing them with better activities to occupy their time can help them avoid the temptation to commit crimes.

24 projects hit their fundraising target!4 years ago

Brilliant news, thanks everyone!

27 projects started fundraising!4 years ago