10 % annual global carbon emissions is from Fashion. Culture must change from Fast Fashion to Last Fashion. LEAP is a Finalist for the BBC Make a Difference Green Award. Our Recycled Future Fashion Cultural Show will showcase reinvented clothing created in Fashion Cultures workshops. A programme pilot is successfully underway. The programme will emphasize a much-needed culture of promoting #REUSE across diverse communities, spreading awareness in audiences about recycling and repurposing in the key sector of textiles and culturally divergent household practices used to do this. Workshops will cover cultural traditions such as historical, cinema, music like Vintage, Westerns, Bollywood, Rock shaping diverse fashion, self image, communication and cultural traditions eg. stone wash, tie-dye and batik. Eastern and Western fashion culture will be adapted to be climate ready such as understanding why and how to make energy generating accessories or making garments water or heat resistant.
What we'll deliver:
- A Recycled Future Fashion Cultural Show to audience of 200+ local people from diverse communities
- 5 Recycled Future Fashion Cultures workshops to young people & their families from diverse communities
- A Webseries of Recycled Future Fashion Cultures workshops professionally videographed
- A Recycled Future Fashion Cultures DIY Book professionally compiled and designed
Why it's a great idea:
Through our Recycled Future Fashion Cultural Show, the Fashion Cultures family Workshops, the Recycled Future Fashion Cultures Webseries, as well as the Recycled Future Fashion Cultures DIY book, a large number of young people and their families will learn about different cultural traditions and practices used by diverse communities to create sustainable fashion styles. This will also build cultural appreciation and community cohesion. The initiative will encourage a culture of valuing clothing that lasts, can be reinvented in a range of ways and avoids impulse buying and over-consumption. Attendees will also learn about using science to adapt clothes to make them climate ready, exploring new careers integrating STEM and Fashion. Besides the 200+ local attendees from a diverse demographic who directly benefit from this learning, the programme will create an immediate learning legacy accessible to the wider public, through the Webseries and the DIY book.
Steps to get it done:
- Marketing & Promotion - Literature design, Coordination with partner schools, Coordination with Social Media videographe
- Convening Workshop Modules and Coordination with Facilitator and LEAP Voices of Youth, Coordination with Sewing Club
- LEAP VOY Promotion and Collection of Recycled Clothing
- Materials procurement
- Registration of participants, baseline participant evaluation survey and Reminder calls
- Awareness online session on the role of cultural tradition and science in future Sustainable Fashion
- Workshops dates with midpoint evaluation survey
- LEAP VOY work with Sewing Club on clothing completions and alterations
- Dress Rehearsal and Practice for the Cultural Show at Gregson Community Centre Hall
- Coordination with Sewing Club, Participants and Videographer
- Recycled Future Fashion Cultural Show
- Promotion of Launch of Recorded Workshops online, QR based audience survey
- Launch of Workshops Online and end point evaluation survey for participants
- Promotion of online Workshops via schools partner and social outreach
- Evaluation of project - Analysis of surveys, project promotion, participant, Sewing Club and audience responses
The Workshops will invite young people from local schools and community organisations, to learn how different cultural traditions can be integrated in creating sustainable fashion; also, to learn how traditional cultural practices of reuse can be used cohesively with contemporary scientific methods to create climate ready fashion. The Webseries will be promoted locally and through our national community partners, spreading awareness of cohesiveness between different fashion cultures, traditional & modern cultural practices of reuse. The DIY Book will be promoted through our community partners and schools network to influence more families through the learning. The campaign will run over 6 weeks during the 5 workshops and ahead of the show, and will include circulating online and putting up posters working with our partner schools, community centres like Gregson, our partner organisations Lancaster Library, St John’s Hospice, LM Hindu Society, Communities Together Lancaster City Council