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Workshop fit-out and programme of events

Workshop fit-out and programme of events

Z4LLNaA_80 PVeAb7ivih By Z4LLNaA_80 PVeAb7ivih

This project is to fit out the workshop to a professional standard and fund a programme of events to encourage increased and sustained engagement by the local community.

Tower Hamlets Delivery stage

funded icon
This project was funded on 19 Aug 2016!

Making things with your hands is both therapeutic and a means to making a living, our aim is to facilitate both. However, everything we have is second hand or donated and either isn't the best quality or frequently breaks, making it very difficult to provide lessons or workshops. We would like funds to purchase new equipment for the workshop and pay for a programme of events to be coordinated for the benefit of the local community.

What we'll deliver:

  • Fit-out the workshop (wood store, project storage, work benches)
  • Purchase bench, power and hand tools for small wood workshop
  • Pay for coordinator and for teachers to deliver a programme of courses and events

Why it's a great idea:

People love the workshop, but the tools often break and they are not very good. Our members often request courses and workshop to support learning and making, but currently the workshop coordinator doesn't have the time to coordinate a program of courses and events as well as the running of the workshop as an open access space. We get volunteers offering to work with us, but again we have no paid coordinator to coordinate them. Courses will give people confidence to get involved and see a project through, they will also allow us to target specific groups in the community in addition to local old gents, such as ex offenders, young unemployed, and socially isolated individuals or those recovering from illness. A more professional workshop will allow funds to come in from commercial members, to help subside a a more socially focused program.

Steps to get it done:

  • Fit out the workshop
  • Set up and deliver a program of events

Location Tower Hamlets

About the space


London Borough of Tower Hamlets

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £15,587

Materials and Tools - £8,000
Set up and deliver training sessions - £5,000
Build benches, store, lockers, install tools - £2,000

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Materials and Tools
Set up and deliver training sessions
Build benches, store, lockers, install tools

Target (inc. fees)  £15,587

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.

Want to help?

Do you have stuff or skills to contribute to this project? Use this tool to offer something to the project creator.

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