Help make Tower Hamlets a great place to live, work and play
Providing local families with FREE access to used clothes and equipment, which will ease the cost of raising a young family in Tower Hamlets.
Sorry this project was unsuccessful, we did not reach our fundraising goal.
We redistribute donated items from local families by hosting events that allow families to access these for free. Those who donate achieve a sense of supporting their local community as well feeling confident that their donation has gone to good use. News of our project is spread through word of mouth as people want to share this means to giving back to the community. By reusing items that children often only use for a limited time, demand on purchasing is reduced. This saves family money as well as reduces the impact on the environment of manufacturing as many new items. Families that attend events appreciate the value in reusing and sharing within their community, they too often return to events with items to share. Most of our attendees are from low-incomeor vulnerable families, but not always as anyone can benefit from reducing waste and saving money.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
Together our borough is helping one another and helping the environment at a local and global level. The more we reuse the less we buy from new, therefore reducing demand. The project is simply expanding on what some people do as part of family or friendship groups; sharing and passing on. This project widens this concept within the local community and inspires a sense of community cohesion. Families at events will engage with each other across social, cultural and economic groups; sharing ideas and resources.
Steps to get it done:
Baby Bank has a group of committed volunteers who make each event possible. With no appropriate storage equipment or space it makes running the project much harder than it needs to be. We also need volunteers to stay motivated to continue to support the project. Growth will inspire commitment and vision for our long-term goals. We have recently created a committee so that the project will continue to meet the needs of its users. Members will also have the opportunity to further their skills by becoming committee officers and fulfil roles such as Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. The skills nurtured here will support their journey into paid work opportunities in the future. This further broadens the positive impact the project has on the community at the grassroots level.
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Help make Tower Hamlets a great place to live, work and play
Supporting community-led projects to help your local area recover from the COVID-19 crisis
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £4,265
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
Target (inc. fees) £4,265
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