The WLFS PTA Greening-UP! initiative aims to help LBH&F with it's plan to be net zero as a borough by 2030, a plan we strongly support as we believe this will have a hugely positive impact on the well being of the 900 local children who attend our school which sits in the heart of the borough.
The WLFS PTA commit to doing no harm to the environment and to actively contribute towards off-setting emissions and restoring biodiversity. We aim to achieve this by making the school's playground a more green and inviting place to sit, relax and play with friends. Our concept is to establish a natural "green screen" around the playground; one side runs parallel to King's Street and one side runs along Weltje Road, leading to the A4. We aim to create nature's "green screen" with the layering of sustainable and low maintenance shrubs, trees, hedges and climbers around the boundary, leaving the middle free for school activities. Pleasant and calming surroundings will be transformative.
What we'll deliver:
- Hire a local landscape gardening contractor
- Dig out old flower beds
- Remove part of the hard standing and make good for new planting.
- Plant new trees along Weltje Road boundary
- Plant hedging along Weltje Road boundary
- Plant climbers along King's Street Boundary
- Make good or replace 10 existing planters
- Have a budget for annual maintenance
- Plant new shrubs and trees at Franklin House 6th Form Building
- Replenish topsoil, compost and nutrients
Why it's a great idea:
Our project is closely aligned with the borough's Climate Action Plan. It predominantly addresses the borough's Adapting To Climate Change theme but also incorporates elements of the other 4 themes.
By planting trees and shrubs our project will help to conserve water, and reduce the impact of high heat and flooding. Our natural green screen will provide exterior shade to what is a large area of exposed hard standing. We have sought expert advice on the best shade- or drought-tolerant plants and native or perennials species. Removing part of hard surfacing will increase drainage and reduce flooding.
Considering the H&F's Ecology theme our project will increase biodiversity in the area by planting native species.
Considering H&F's Consumption and Travel themes our project will use local contractors and aim to use local suppliers.
Our green screen will improve air quality and noise pollution and will have a positive impact on happiness, behaviour and mental health.
Steps to get it done:
- Raising funds from the WLFS Community
- Agreeing the GreenUp! concept with the key stake holders
- Engaging a local contractor
- Digging up the existing beds
- Making planting spaces in the hardstanding
- Replenishing the, nutrients topsoil and compost
- Planting layers of appropriate shrubs, trees and climbers
- Repairing or replacing existing planters
- Agreeing an on-going maintainance plan with the key steke holders
Greening the Grey is our mission!
Over the Summer the WLFS PTA successfully crowdfunded nearly £8,000 from it's community, which is made up of local families. With near 33% of pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant, this was an incredible achievement. The PTA ran an on-line auction where many of the items were donated by local H&F businesses, to whom we are very grateful. All stakeholders were told that all monies raised would go towards the Greening-Up! initiative, something that everyone involved embraced and saw the benefits of. We're looking to H& F HiveSpace to match the generosity of our local family and business community so that the transformational impact of our project on the environment, the children and the local community will be long-lasting, sustainable and leave a legacy for future pupils entering the school.