Shape your local area by creating exciting & diverse projects in Brent - pledges of £2,000 available
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By Sudbury Town Residents' Assocation
Engage with the local businesses and community to identify and promote a local identity for Sudbury.
Our key objectives are to:
• Engage with the local community to identify and promote a local identity for Sudbury.
• Enhance the overall retail offer and experience of visitors to the high street
• Improve the physical environment at the Southern gateway to the High Street
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
Physical Enhancement
The poor physical environment of the high street is negatively affecting the local economy.
Sudbury has a compact High Street approached from the South through a large railway bridge which highlights its significance as a commuter town and a route to Wembley venues. The physical environment of Sudbury High Street, particularly around the railway bridge, is grim, giving a negative impression of Sudbury and causing people to feel unsafe particularly during the hours of darkness. Perhaps, because the high street is shabby, shoppers feel able to further neglect the environment by littering and by spitting chewing tobacco on the pavements leaving red stains.
As well as smartening up the appearance of five shops, this project would also improve the gateway to Sudbury by greening the land around the railway bridge.
Steps to get it done:
Smartening shops
Greening the land around the railway bridge.
Plant wild flowers on this land
Test the feasibility and local appetite for public art.
Find Local identity
Increase the participation of businesses in high street planning.
Fill vacant shops to provide community and commercial opportunities
Renovate two condemned local authority owned toilet blocks to make a training and enterprise centre
Aadd variety to the current retail offer
Include buildings, bridges, landscapes, natural features, recipes, dialect, dances, famous residents (past and present), places of worship, street names, history, stories, myths and legends.
STRA to build an ‘ABC of local distinctiveness’
Boost membership of STRA
Set up of a business sub group of STRA
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Shape your local area by creating exciting & diverse projects in Brent - pledges of £2,000 available
Brilliant news, thanks everyone!
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £20,000
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
Target (inc. fees) £20,000
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