The Tottenham Ploughman RiverFest, Sat 16th Sep, is the only free festival in the east of the borough. We need your help to bring it to Lordship Rec this year, and keep it free.
Last year over 8,000 attended the RiverFest at Lordship Rec. You came to eat crayfish, taste locally made cheese, drink local beer, listen to music, dance with Folk Dance Remixed, help to decorate our river Goddess, make fish kites, eat some amazing food and have a great time. Most of all, you loved the festival and told us that you want to return this year. So far we only have £2k from the council so we need your help. If everyone who attended last year gave us £5 we could up the bar and build on the success of the festival. Our budget is £18k, we're aiming to raise at least £10k on Spacehive & look for sponsorship for the remaining £6k. No funding means no festival for Tottenham. We have applied for an events licence for the Tottenham River Festival from Haringey Council and are currently waiting the licence to be granted. In the unlikely circumstance that the licence is not granted, no money will be collected from backers.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
The RiverFest is an opportunity for us to showcase our 7 pledges; simple things we can all do to make our rivers healthier. The river Moselle runs from the west to the east of Haringey, and into the River Lea. Both are heavily polluted. We have a right to clean water and must treat rivers as the precious places they are. The Riverfest is the perfect way to show we treasure our city watercourses and want to see them cared for properly. We also showcase locally based producers, giving them space to sell their produce whether it's local honey to hand made jewellery. In addition for the first time ever, we will be bringing all six of the local Tottenham based artisan breweries to the RiverFest for the first Tottenham beer festival. We are also joining up with the Tottenham flower and produce show, and the Hub, celebrating 5 years at Lordship Rec. So a double 5 year anniversary. We think that's something worth celebrating.
Steps to get it done:
Rewards If everyone who attended last year pledged £5 we'd be sorted! However, just to encourage you, if you pledge over £20 we'll enter you into a draw to win some amazing prizes, from cheese and beer making, to a day with Crayfish Bob, fishing for your own crayfish supper. Folkdance Remixed have this to say about the Riverfest; 'In our experience as a national touring company, we can honestly say that it is one of the best run and friendliest festivals that we have appeared at. What’s more, and surely, most importantly, this festival is right on the doorstep of this diverse local community & it is well documented that local festivals provide much needed & wanted arts engagement for families and that, in turn, encourages social cohesion & tolerance amongst different groups. We urge you to support this wonderful festival.'
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Brilliant news, thanks everyone!
Whoop, 100 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Wow, thank you so much for pledging; we're almost half way there, with just 12 days to go. Can you share with all your friends, your family, work colleagues, people at bus stops...Tell them how amazing the RiverFest is and how great it is for our community! We've had a couple more lovely rewards added, courtesy of the lovely people at Holcombe Market; two £20 vouchers, and a gift pack of vegan, biodegradable body glitter from Wild Glitter. Because, just like micro beads, glitter lasts a long, long time and never breaks down. Now you know! Happy pledging everyone.
Whoop, 90 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Your generosity has blown us away, thank you so much. We've got some great news to share soon about sponsorship, that's going to take us that much closer to our goal. Watch this space, keep the faith and continue to share and encourage your friends, neighbours, colleagues and family to pledge. And, the lovely people at Holcombe Market are adding to our pledge rewards with a £30 voucher to spend at any of the stalls at the market. Thank you!
21 days to go and we’ve received pledges totalling £3,322 which is 18% of our £19,000 target. Thank you for being one of the 70 lovely people who’s helped us to get this far. …but there’s still a long way to go! For the last 5 years we've supported and shouted about the amazing people creating great food, drink, art, crafts and more, put them in the spotlight and encouraged them to sell with us. We love being a showcase for Tottenham. Crowdfunding is new to us and the experience is going well. We are learning loads and making new friends along the way. One of the key things we are finding out is that our friends old and new – ie YOU - are key to making this campaign a success. If you can share our story on Facebook or Twitter we would be eternally grateful. Tell your friends about our rewards to help tempt them to pledge, and this week, for anyone pledging we're offering one lucky person dinner for two at Loven Presents. Only 3 weeks left to raise the funds we need. Here’s to another week on project #RiverFest
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £18,217
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
Target (inc. fees) £18,217
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