Giving people the opportunity to imagine, fund & create projects that bring their local area to life

We want to turn a concrete flyover into an amazing urban park for Liverpool - a vibrant place full of life, trees, shops, exhibitions & joy. Help us bring our vision to life!
The Flyover is the ultimate in urban re-purposing & regeneration, delivered by citizens coming together to conceive, develop & implement.
We will take an existing structure and create an urban walkway/park that costs less its proposed demolition. Our vision will deliver a public space of benefit to residents & visitors, connecting neighbourhoods & civic buildings with the rest of the city & world famous waterfront.
Churchill Way is 2 roads & 2 pedestrian routes; current plans to redirect traffic mean there is a proposal to demolish the structure. We don't feel it's right to spend £3-4 million & see nothing in return, so we used our design talent to propose something different.
We've held a series of public presentations & been overwhelmed with the positive response from councillors, council staff, museums, businesses & people from all walks of life throughout the city.
Our next step is a full feasibility study and this is what we are raising funds for with this Spacehive project.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
We've been overwhelmed by the speed & enthusiasm with which people & organisations including the council have responded to our proposals.
The Flyover will be a space for arts, music, dance & education events as well as markets, shops & community gardening projects & home to small independent businesses. It will reconnect residential communities in north Liverpool with the city & allow visitors to our heritage quarter to extend their stay in the area; walking along a unique public space towards the waterfront. It will also provide connectivity between 3 campuses of LJMU for staff & students with zones suitable for cyclists & pedestrians.
The flyover wraps around the rear of our Museum, Gallery & Library, effectively cutting them off from the north of the city - our proposal gives them the opportunity to engage with this public space; using it as an outdoor classroom & gallery.
It will be delivered & looked after by citizens who care about & are committed to the city & the project.
Steps to get it done:
The Flyover, is a highway gifted to the people.
By adding planting, kiosks, cafes, lighting & other infrastructure it will become a thriving oasis & green lung in the city centre, an iconic attraction for residents & visitors.
As visitors meander along the park, they will come across allotments tended by the local community including residents, students & school pupils, exhibitions, independent retail kiosks & stalls. Pedestrian routes, coupled with trim-trail equipment, offer a welcome space for residents & city workers to run & keep fit.
Just imagine yourself in this elevated park, having visited a farmers’ market, drinking freshly-made coffee & toast with a generous serving of honey produced by bees from hives within the park!
The Flyover has the potential to become a thriving promenade & meeting space within an important part of the city centre surrounded by our cultural museums & galleries.
With creative use of low cost materials, this great scheme won't cost the earth.
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Giving people the opportunity to imagine, fund & create projects that bring their local area to life
We have a great programme of events this summer - Flyover Takeover - happening on, under and around The Flyover. Our 31st July Flyover Takeover event promises to be a spectacular one! On Sunday 31st July, you can: - ride or stride along the South carriageway of Churchill Way from 8am-11am as it will be closed to traffic from 8am - from midday we will turn the carriageway into our temporary urban park and will be filling it with dancers, food, bicycle smoothie machines and much more! Highlights in the performance programme for 31st July include a performance of Frantic by outstanding dance company Acrojou – it has been described as “One of the finest short dance pieces I have seen for some time…an intensely moving experience.” – Richard Ings, Arts Council England Exploring love, freedom, blood, sweat and rainstorms: Frantic is an explosive acrobatic exploration of our relentless devotion to busyness, the reality of a running mind and one man’s thirst for escape. Frantic features spectacular acrobatics and dance-theatre, choreographed around a wheel, with a hidden water system for a joyous finale danced in pouring rain. We are so lucky to have a performance of this calibre coming to Liverpool and being part of our Flyover Takeover programme We also have a wonderful mix of dance class meets flash mob meets performance by MoveMe which will get all our audience involved! Using a storytelling method to take the audience on a journey through an irresistible pop track, professional dancers teach people of all ages and abilities a contemporary dance choreography in just 40 minutes. Once the learning is over the Flyover will be a space of shared fun and movement. And as our whole event on 31st July is sponsored by and produced in collaboration with Sustrans – you can expect a LOT of cycling related events, workshops and activites……… From 11am there will be a wing making workshop being held in Breckfield Community Centre, followed by a 1pm Flight of the Bikes ride down to the Flyover If you are feeling creatively energetic and love your bike so much you would like to learn to dance with it, then why not join in the Strictly Cycling workshops we will be running in Everton Park then take part in or watch the awesome Bicycle Ballet company’s exhilarating dance performance on bikes, exploring the joyful highs and gritty lows of cycling. Their choreography fuses dance and physical theatre with visual spectacle, comedy and striking soundtracks. Initially conceived as a mass participatory performance, engaging people and their bikes in new, exciting and unexpected ways is still at the heart of the project. This work crosses the boundaries of art, sport, health and environment; to attract the widest range of audiences or passers-by, and to transform familiar environments into places of discovery and magic. But, at its heart, its all about the bike. Expressing the freedom and fun of cycling, and exploring people’s partnerships with their trusty steeds Whether you get involved in any of the workshops, or you just want to bring the family and watch some of the performances, or sit and enjoy some lovely food from our local and regional suppliers whilst you take in the views or our great city, WE HOPE TO SEE YOU UP THERE keep following us on Facebook and Twitter and at to find out more about our construction and event programmes
Brilliant news, thanks everyone!
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £40,844
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
Target (inc. fees) £40,844
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