Dear Supporters! Thank you so much for your donations. We are oH so grateful for backing our ambitious goals. We wanted to let you know about an important update to our funding model. Our initial approach was the ‘All or Nothing’ model, where we would only receive the funds if we reached our target. However, we are unable to access grants to boost donations raised through The Spacehive crowdfunding. Therefore we have decided to change our funding model to ‘Keep What You Raise’. This means that we can keep the funds raised to date, regardless of whether we reach our target or not. This initial sum will allow us to purchase an industrial lock stitch machine- essential for running the young apprentice workshop starting in January. Focusing on the age group of 12-15, high school students (any background and skill level), who express interest in arts, design and creative activities, we have already piloted a week-long session with two students. It was a major success! (photos attached). We have tested activities like, pattern cutting, basic sewing, fabric collage, photography, styling etc. We are hoping the apprenticeship programme will allow the Foundation to help tackle social isolation and create exposure to new creative fields for their participants. We are anticipating high interest that will lead to the next edition of the programme. This is based on queries that we already receiving ( avg. 5/6 a month). At the end of the first series of workshops, oH will host an open exhibition of works, that will be available to purchase with money going back to the programme. A successful programme will allow us to engage the participants in next-level activities in the Studio, with the potential of paid apprenticeship and the opportunity to join oH Creative Designers. We trust this first small step is the beginning of an exciting journey. We are hoping that you will support our development and growth in the New Year. If you would like to learn more about the young apprenticeship programme, explore the ways of supporting the Foundation or if have any questions, please contact me on my email: [email protected] Thank you oH so much and see you at the Foundation. Monika Swindells Executive Director at oH Chester Design Foundation CIC