To support projects which encourage local people to be active, learn and play together.

We need help to ensure we can continue to operate a nursery, after school club and employment support projects from this thriving community hub - The Giraffe House needs help !
The adventure play building on the edge of Burgess Park has been serving young people and families for over 25 years. In June 2016 the space was taken over by the voluntary sector to continue servicing the community in the face of cuts to the council that saw the play and youth services unable to use the building. Rather than it sit empty we asked to take on the lease. Led by The Creation trust we have set up a thriving partnership group of sports, arts and cultural clubs that have established an amazing programme of after school and holiday programmes ensuring over 200 young people regularly use the building. The space now also provides free office space for community groups, a nursery, a cycle workshop and a training room that is helping us get local people into sustained employment as well as providing a teaching space for ESOL classes. We have transformed an underused unloved space into a thriving centre for all ages - now we need better play equipment & a new boiler !
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
The Giraffe House is an amazing example of what the local community can do when they come together. The building is leased from Southwark council who were forced to end their services in the last round of cuts. If it was not for the work we deliver there, the building would be sitting empty. In 18 months we have improved the space to make it a place people want to come & play and working in partnership we have managed to increase delivery of services for young people and families in the borough. The space supports the work of Burgess Sports, InSpire and the Latin American Multi Cultural Group, Peckham BMX and Community Cycleworks.
Steps to get it done:
We have money to continue supporting the delivery of activities but want to improve the services on offer and make the building more comfortable and safer for the users. All our services have been free to participants so far. We want to ensure we can continue supporting local families and young people, and with your donations we'll ask the children to help us design the new play area and select the equipment!
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To support projects which encourage local people to be active, learn and play together.
Wow ! What an amazing few weeks we have had ! Thanks to everyone who pledged to support the Giraffe House ! We are delighted that the Giraffe House is part of the long term plan for the park and who hope the centre will continue to help young people and their families long into the future. The old structure, unfortunately has to go, but we will make sure there is some brilliant play equipment until the new urban games area is built. Thanks again from everyone at the Giraffe House & Creation Trust
Whoop, 40 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Whoop, 40 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Whoop, 30 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Whoop, 10 people have pledged since fundraising began!
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £18,118
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
Target (inc. fees) £18,118
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