Click on the pink tape measure to see the report!

By Teme Wheels
To set-up and implement an Electric MPV (with wheelchair capability) service for the local rural community. This will be a two year pilot study and take people for medical and other essential purpose
The government has stated that it will not be possible to purchase petrol and diesel powered vehicles after 2030. Community Transport currently relies almost entirely on diesel powered vehicles. The project is to acquire and operate a 7/8 seat electric MPV in a rural area for community transport purposes. The MPV will have wheelchair carrying capability and will be used to transport people who do not have easy access to transport and may have disability issues. Destinations will include medical facilities (surgeries, hospitals etc.) and essential shopping. A new charity - Teme Wheels - has been registered and will use volunteers to achieve its objectives. A two year pilot scheme is envisaged at the end of which a report will be written and made available to other community transport charities.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
This project will be transformational, not only in terms of the environment, but also for the social impact it will have on our long-term financial sustainability in continuing to provide vital transport services to the vulnerable communities of Worcestershire. Many of the older residents in our rural communities suffer badly from isolation with consequent impacts on their health and wellbeing. Families may also need support in transporting children for educational and social purposes. Since this project is also aimed at improving our environment, it should attract funding from large organisations that have ecological concerns on their agendas.
Steps to get it done:
The charity has five trustees; four have considerable operating experience with community transport providers in Worcestershire. The other is a past mayor of Tenbury Wells and has accounting knowledge. In the last month we have attracted some small donations amounting to a total of approx. £4000.
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Click on the pink tape measure to see the report!
We've reached our target!! Teme Wheels is so grateful to all of you who have contributed to this very worthwhile cause. In anticipation of this great moment in our campaign, we have been researching - over several months - suitable vehicles and the technicalities of running one including commissioning a dedicated charging point. It will be some while before all this is in place but be sure that we will realise our aims!
Brilliant news, thanks everyone!
Owing to some very generous donations in the past week we are only about £1600 short of our target. This is amazing and we are so appreciative of all supporters. And, yes, we expect to get there: just one push to get over the line! Phot, left to right: Michael Hickling 'pledger', Sue Perry Treasurer, John Driver Chairman
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £43,711
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:
Target (inc. fees) £43,711
Our Volunteer List
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