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Funded on Spacehive 15 February 2022 Delivered 3 March 2022

Impact data and claims within this report are provided by the project creator and have not been independently verified by Spacehive.


Mark Hall By Mark Hall

A sustainable and interactive market supporting Camden's artisans, traders and charities alongside interactive workshops teaching basic up-cycling methods and hosts clothes Swaps and fashion shows.

Camden Town Delivery stage

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This project was funded on 15 Feb 2022!

CAMDEN’S SUSTAINABLE INTERACTIVE MARKET By the people for the planet. A new style of market that supports sustainable makers whilst promoting engagement from the public with a focus on supporting Camden's residents, artists, schools, and charities. Hosted in Buck Street Market, Camden. A place where insight will be given on various up-cycling methods such as how to mend and rework clothing, jewellery, by the way of open workshops ran both onsite and off. Planned Interactive Market workshops; MEND IT -Techniques in mending clothes. Onsite mending service available. REWORK IT - Insights into creatively reworking clothing that’s been damaged worn out etc. SWAP IT - A platform for swapping clothing. CAR BOOT IT - Places available for locals to sell off unwanted items DON'T BIN IT - A drop of for unwanted fabrics and clothing. PERFORM IT - A showcase space for performers

What we'll deliver:

  • Run a 'free for makers, creators' Monday to Thursday market for 10 weeks
  • Host a 10 day sustainable fashion workshop to a chosen school
  • Run 10 weekly 'MEND IT' Market workshops
  • Organise 10 weekly Market Clothes Swap events
  • Host 10 Weekly' RE-WORK IT' workshops
  • Provide free stalls for residents 'CAR BOOT IT' 4 days a week
  • Present 'Camden People' fashion shows open to all
  • Provide a space for Camden's performers to showcase themselves

Why it's a great idea:

The project was inspired by the Made In Camden Fashion Project of which I was the project manager where I experienced first hand the talent within the local community and saw a need to find a way to support them as Artists. Alongside my work with children's charity's, little hands design and HVH Arts Foundation and William Ellis School teaching children sustainable fashion over the last few years I wished to create a way to carry on this work inspiring youths and giving them a valuable experience of a retail environment. This Summer we ran a successful children's 5 week course and used Buck Street to host clothes swaps, fashion shows and a retail experience from here the idea of this project was born. The project will benefit; -local creators and makers by giving them a free space to trial their work -schools by deliver free sustainable workshops -the high street by increasing footfall - engagement for the local community by the way of workshops and events

Steps to get it done:

  • Acquire the contract at Buck Street to hold the market for 10 weeks
  • Advertise amongst the community for interested residents, artisans and traders to book stalls
  • Purchase sewing machines and equipment to hold the workshops
  • Advertise places available and take bookings for the various workshops
  • Contact various local schools who are interested in us running the free sustainable fashion workshops
  • Hire various residents to provide the 'MEND IT' services for clothing and jewellery

-We aim to reduce the amount of clothing going to land fill by promoting the fact that textiles and clothing contaminates household waste and can damage the processing plant mechanisms with a view to a Veolia collaboration to assist us in this. -

Location Camden Town

About the space

In and around Buck Street Market. Camden NW1 8QP


London Borough of Camden

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £21,576

Buck Street Market hire cost - £7,200
Project Manger - £4,000
Market Makers Workshop Teachers - £4,000
School 10 week workshop - £2,100
Materials for market workshops - £2,000
Seamstress for MEND IT station - £1,000

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Buck Street Market hire cost
Project Manger
Market Makers Workshop Teachers
School 10 week workshop
Materials for market workshops
Seamstress for MEND IT station


This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:

  • Running sustainable fashion Workshops free for schools
  • Hold Sustainable fashion Workshops free for the local community
  • Acquire more space for a local artist's gallery

Target (inc. fees)  £21,576

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.
  • Hi We are always in need of fabrics, garments, sewing accessories. So please don't throw them away just email us at sustainableinteractivemarket@gmail to arrange a drop off or collection. Many thanks

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