Westhive is a movement on Spacehive, set up to support community projects in West Oxfordshire. Westhive was launched in October 2023. The Civic Crowdfunding platform provides a new and accessible way that West Oxfordshire residents can be at the heart of civic change and provides a springboard for locally led ideas to attract funding more easily.
Phased projects, annual events and repeat applications
Our funding is designed to support projects, not on-going costs however project creators can apply to more than one round so long as the project is broken down into different phases, where each individual phase can be delivered independently of the other (e.g. capital projects). Annually occurring activities, such as annual music festivals, are eligible to return for support on more than one occasion, where each year they can demonstrate the need for funding.
Where a project is broken down into phases, pledges from this fund will not usually exceed £10,000 in a single year. For events, applications for activity in consecutive years will be considered, but project creators should seek to increase their pool of supporters and investigate alternative means of sustaining activity. Projects contributing significantly to the Council’s priorities or demonstrating innovation will be looked upon favourably.
Creators are welcome to propose multiple projects, although such projects should be clearly discreet activities and provide additionality (Spacehive do not recommend project creators propose more than one project per funding round, to focus backers towards one funding goal). Where projects, are part of a larger scheme, the Council reserves the right to view such activity in the round, and pledge accordingly.
The fund will support locally-led projects across the district, giving communities the opportunity to deliver exciting projects that have the backing of the community and the Council alike.
Typically projects can expect a pledge of up to £10,000, max 40% of the target, but the Council will consider applying a premium to projects which are seeking to directly address climate change, the ecological emergency or providing direct support to vulnerable groups, up to a total of 50%.
Please note: the council will not be the first organisation to pledge to your project and will first want to see community support and backing, in the form of pledges from local people towards your campaign. Start by getting lots of small pledges from the community to show local support for your project. This will help unlock bigger pledges.
Through the Westhive Fund we would like to see the following outcomes delivered within the West Oxfordshire district:
1. Improving our natural environment: Project examples: Landscape and habitat restoration and creation, active travel (walking and cycling) opportunities, improved access to greenspaces and the countryside, environmental awareness training.
2. Taking action towards the climate and ecological emergencies: Project examples: Landscape, ecology and wildlife conservation, community energy generation, energy efficiency, restoration of meadows and trees to reduce flooding and improve water quality, carbon reduction initiatives.
3 .Increasing community resilience and amplifying the voice of the seldom heard:
Project examples: Food equity initiatives, community food growing, community art, cultural events, reducing social isolation and loneliness, facilities and/or activities for improved physical and mental wellbeing, activities for young people.
Through the Westhive Fund the Council would like to see the following outcomes delivered within West Oxfordshire:
Community led change
Improved health and food equity
Well-connected and resilient communities
Improved mental and physical wellbeing across all age groups and backgrounds
Improved essential local infrastructure that facilitates rural living
Improved environmental outcomes, such as carbon reduction, improved biodiversity or green infrastructure
The projects which will be more likely to attract Council support are those which:
Improve the physical and mental wellbeing of our local communities
Directly address climate change
Enhance lives through events and activities
Support young people’s ideas and ambitions
Help to tackle the barriers and challenges many of us experience in life, such as poverty, ill health, distance from services, social isolation/loneliness
Cultivate food equity, building a fair food system for everyone
Protect and enhance our natural and built environment
Invest in and maintain the facilities we rely on for these activities to take place
All projects seeking support will be expected to complete a set of questions when pitching to the fund to determine the eligibility of their projects. The pitch is where you explain why your project deserves a grant from the Council. Follow our video here.
Eligible projects can expect a pledge of up to £10,000 or a maximum of up to 40% of the crowdfunding target.
West Oxfordshire District Council will consider these responses to determine if an activity is eligible. Projects will also need to demonstrate that they have local support for the activity proposed prior to project assessment, 6-8 weeks after the deadline. This will be through pledges offered on its spacehive campaign. You are therefore advised to start your campaign as soon as possible. Projects are also able to upload funds raised offline and upload funds raised pre-campaign to evidence existing support. Find out more here.
Projects will need to evidence both fund eligibility and local support to be considered for a pledge by West Oxfordshire District council.
Project creators, where proposing a capital project, must check whether or not their project requires planning permission and/or building regulations approval. The project creator is expected to communicate directly with the appropriate planning department or building control body. Project creators will be expected to have all the necessary permissions in place and provide evidence of approval to enable verification of the project proposal.
Project creators will be required to provide copies of supporting documents for verification as specified, during their project proposal submission. This will be reviewed by Spacehive and must satisfy the necessary criteria for the project e.g. Safeguarding Policy.
Project creators will be required to advise if they have previously been awarded grant funding from the Council and provide the following:
Details of each individual grant that they have received, the amount awarded and date of award.
The dates of the project/activity in each award application
Status of each grant (e.g. complete or ongoing).
The Council will review previous WODC grant conditions to ensure any project proposal is eligible for a partner pledge.
All projects seeking support will be expected to complete a set of questions to determine the eligibility of their projects. Projects will also need to demonstrate that they have local support for the project proposed which typically will be through pledges on the Spacehive website. Projects can upload offline and pre-existing funding offers at the start of the campaign, to evidence the support already offered. Projects will need to pass the verification process and demonstrate local support to be considered for a pledge by the Council.
The Council will review all projects typically 4-6 weeks after the creator pitch deadline. Recommendations will then be reported to the Council’s Westhive Pledge Review Group meeting.
Project creators will be informed of the pledge decision shortly after the Council’s pledge meeting. Successful projects will have the Council’s pledge added during their live campaign. Pledges cannot be made retrospectively to a project. The Council retains its discretion to choose not to pledge against a project, or to pledge a higher or lower sum.
Only projects that are using the ‘All or Nothing’ funding model and hit their full fundraising target will be eligible for a proposed partner pledge from the Council. If the project does not look likely to hit its target and the project creator opts to choose ‘Keep What you Raise’, the Council’s partner pledge will be removed from the crowdfunding campaign and returned to the Council’s pledge pot. The project creator will receive the remaining funds raised from their campaign elsewhere.
In relation to each successfully funded project, the project owner agrees to the obligation requirements of Spacehive.
Eligibility will principally be determined by the aims of the project. The following are able to apply:
Public bodies, such as Parish Councils – where they are delivering or hosting community projects and if delivery benefits the wider community. Mainstream expenses which could otherwise be covered by the precept such as salaries, running costs or replacement street furniture will not be supported.
Registered charities and excepted charities**.
Charitable Incorporated Organisations.
Community Interest Companies.
Social Enterprises.
Unincorporated community groups.
Faith groups, if the project pitch features non-religious activities and demonstrates the activity is inclusive and does not promote a religious view.
Under 18’s can create projects in conjunction with an eligible group, but the project will need a project delivery manager, who takes responsibility for delivering the project. The project delivery manager must be at least 18 years old.
Projects must take place within West Oxfordshire.
Exclusions - We will not fund:
Commercial organisations and exempt* charities.
Activity that is more properly the responsibility of other statutory service organisations e.g. social care; bus subsidies
Groups proposing for-profit projects.
Groups proposing projects with a political affiliation.
Schools or religious organisations where the activity proposed does not provide wider public benefit or is of a religious nature.
Projects pitched by individuals for individual endeavour/benefit. Individuals proposing projects must partner with an eligible group who will manage the project on behalf of the individual.
For any queries about the programme or support from West Oxfordshire District Council please contact: [email protected]
As part of the project creators pitch for funding, they agree to complete an online impact report once the project is delivered. This is shared with backers to their campaign and the Council.
Impact reporting is a mandatory requirement following the completion of the project as evidence that the project outcomes have been met and promises have been delivered.