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Crowdfund Malvern Hills


A Connected, Greener and Healthier Malvern Hills

{{ 'CreatedBy' | translate }} MHDC. {{ 'PoweredBy' | translate }} Spacehive.

Crowdfund Malvern Hills gives local people the opportunity to create and deliver projects that aim to enhance our area- with a particular focus of making it greener, healthier, and connected. Our platform is a place to connect with businesses, residents, organisations, and communities to showcase ideas for the district and to attract funds to make them a reality. Along with ongoing promotional advice and support from Spacehive, Crowdfund Malvern Hills offers projects the opportunity to receive a donation from Malvern Hills District Council provided it meets the criteria of our fund, as well as having received a sufficient amount of support from the community.
{{ 'MoreAboutUs' | translate }}

{{'OurImpact' | translate }}

movement impact icon
{{'TotalBackers' | translate }}
movement successfull projects icon
{{'TotalProjects' | translate }}
movement total pledged so far icon
{{'TotalPledgedSoFar' | translate }}