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Kirkham and Wesham Horticulture Show

Kirkham and Wesham Horticulture Show

EduQuest Academies Limited By EduQuest Academies Limited

Natural Art displays, Teen performance of "Alice in Wonderland" Cooking competitions - Cakes and Pastries, Yoga Yurt:Live entertainment - including choirs, bands and brass band, photography comp

Kirkham Fundraising stage

pledged of £9,290
days left
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The show will be held on Kirkham's Peoples and Memorial Park on the 28th and 29th June 2025. Charities, Schools and members of the community will be invited to take part to showcase their talents and stimulate personal growth. This is a revival of a once popular event for the villages and the people are keen to see its return. Horticulture shows stimulate interest in growing and showing horticulture, creating floral designs, and expressing creativity, they also stimulate local economy in villages. The run up to the show will allow the creation of new groups and invigorate existing groups

What we'll deliver:

  • Hire Stage and Sound equiptment for 2 days
  • Gazebos for competitions
  • Advertisement in Kirkham and Wesham Advertiser
  • Easel stands for art / photography competition
  • Hire of tables for stalls
  • Outdoor lighting
  • Stage props & costumes
  • Generator hire
  • Balloon decoration
  • Advertising posters

Why it's a great idea:

Encouraging Younger Generations Most local shows have categories for children to enter, be they amusing vegetable constructions or themed bookmark design and colouring competitions. It’s important to get children involved in community events, to present them with the full range of nature’s bounty and to have them engage with older local people so that they learn to respect them. Competition is also an important life lesson, I like my children to see me working hard in the garden or at the allotment, preparing exhibits and NOT always winning at a show. It teaches them tolerance, patience, humility and that perseverance and hard work bring reward… life is not full of instant gratification Community Building The majority of visitors to our local shows are elderly, this is to be expected because gardening is something of a popular hobby among the retired of benefits from local event like this and their upkeep is vital for community cohesiveness – reduced vandalism

Steps to get it done:

  • Community Support
  • Facebook page
  • Approval off local councellor
  • Event area mapped out
  • Businesses and Stalls identified
  • Charities Identified
  • Production team and actors for show
  • Judges
  • Stage and sound system hire
  • stress test lamp posts for bunting
  • Arrange decoration hire
  • Advertising in local news sources
  • Sign up merchants for stalls
  • Kirkham in Bloom support
  • Sign up entrants for competitions

So many elderly people go days or weeks without a visitor or decent conversation with anybody but the postman or cold caller. A local show provides these people with an opportunity for exercise, floral eye candy, conversation and above all company.

Location Kirkham

About the space

Peoples park and Market Square


Lancashire County Council

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £9,289

stall hire & Marquees - £3,600
2 day stage sound system hire - £2,700
stress test for bunting & festival lights - £700
generator hire - £450
Hi Vis - £282
Bunting and lighting - £282
event insurance - £244

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

stall hire & Marquees
2 day stage sound system hire
stress test for bunting & festival lights
generator hire
Hi Vis
Bunting and lighting
event insurance


This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:

  • Contingency for the project to protect against price fluctuation
  • prizes
  • balloons

Target (inc. fees)  £9,289

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.
  • Stuffing material for scarecrows
  • Easels to display painting and photo entries to the competitions (aprox 25)
  • Hi - Vis Jackets (Ideally Purple or Green )x 12
  • Walkie Talkies for first aiders
  • Hire of an portable outdoor stage
  • Thread, Sowing equipment, twine, sowing needles, iron on prints for bunting designs
  • First Aid for the event x2
  • Stewards x 6+ Helping direct visitors to parking and areas for the event
  • Advertisement - print or banner
  • Fundraiser to contact local businesses
  • Allotment gardening tools and seeds, gloves suitable for adults and children
  • Festoon style lighting aprox 200m - Loan would be acceptable
  • Installation of bunting and festoon lighting before the event, and removal after wards
  • Haybales for seats x 50 (could be recycled afterwards into scarecrow stuffing)
  • Generator hire and set up, probably need 2 generators on site
  • A3 Poster design and printing
  • Donations of medals and / or certificates to issue for winning a category in the Horticulture Fruit and Vegetable growing competitions
  • Wood and materials that can be used for children and young people to fashion into bug hotels to display around the community

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