Now it's the great upload - photoshop, logic pro, anti virus, admin levels - no one said running a computer room for digital art and music producing would be easy! Thanks again to our generous IT sponsors Macnamara for looking after this.
The recording studio is now the proud owner of, not exclusively but including: a Midas M32 Digital Console, a keyboard-controller for all our virtual instruments, piano-style sustain pedal, various speakers and isolation pads to decouple monitor speakers and eliminate vibrations/resonance, a Shure SM7B Studio micro, dynamic speaker and Recording Microphone, a tuner/metronome, a reflexion filter, a collection of 50 effects for mixing and mastering, a USB and Firewire Audiointerface.... at this point your messenger lost focus in the enormous list. We also bought a lot of cords.
Our music teachers are itching to get started, our tech team is carefully documenting each item and we can't wait to share these amazing facilities with you! Whether you are a budding Mariah Carey or Carolyn Davidson or Jamie XX - you will be able to create great things at Hoxton Hall.
With grateful thanks
Hoxton Hall Team