Brilliant news, thanks everyone!

By Disability Action Group of East Preston
East Preston is looking to convert its existing old toilet block in Sea Road into a Hoist Assisted Toilet (HAT) and two Accessible Unisex Toilets. Please help us to achieve our goal to fund these.
The public toilets in Sea Road, East Preston need refurbishing and local groups asked the parish council if, as part of the refurbishment, the toilets could be converted into a fully equipped Hoist Assisted Toilet facility. Disabled or accessible toilets alone do not offer the specialist equipment needed for those with more complex needs and most are too small to even accommodate a large wheelchair and one carer. People are then forced to be changed by being laid on the toilet floor, which is unhygienic and puts everyone involved at risk. There are around 250,000 disabled people in the UK who cannot use standard accessible toilets, the nearest public toilet facility suitable for them to use could be hours away. Our nearest Hoist Assisted Toilets are Worthing and Storrington. East Preston is a thriving seaside community with many visitors and such a facility will help to put East Preston on the map for disabled families and their carers, making it a more inclusive place to be.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
Hoist assisted toilets are designed to meet the needs of people with complex disabilities, of all age groups and their carers. The number of people with complex disabilities is growing and we are all living longer - so more people are likely to need access to a Hoist Assisted Toilet. People may have limited mobility so they need equipment to help them and possibly their carers to get to the toilet or to be changed using a changing bench. This needs to be full sized to accommodate young and old. By providing a Hoist Assisted Toilet, East Preston will be put on the map of places to offer such a worthwhile facility to those who cannot use regular toilet facilities. It will offer a disabled person and their carer/s the chance to use safe and clean facilities appropriate for their needs and benefit the local community and businesses. We have already raised nearly £5,000 towards the specialist equipment, please help us to reach our target of £11,000 through this funding initiative.
Steps to get it done:
Hoist assisted toilet facilities consist of the following equipment: Height Adjustable Changing Bench, Overhead Hoist System, Toilet, Washbasin, Privacy Screen and Grab Rails as well as the room itself being big enough to accommodate a large power chair and up to two careers. Local group SENCAT, who also supports this project is a group of parents with Children who attend either of the local schools or live in East Preston who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities. They hold an after school children's club on the first Thursday of the month for the children and their siblings to attend. They also have special one off events for the children and hold coffee and chat meetings for the parents where parents are guided and signposted for specialist help and support. SENCAT also provides a group to share experiences. The group takes part in many community projects and events and wholeheartedly support this fantastic project.
Location East Preston
About the space
Public Toilets - Sea Road, East Preston
Arun District Council
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Brilliant news, thanks everyone!
Whoop, 10 people have pledged since fundraising began!
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £6,388
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:
Target (inc. fees) £6,388
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