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Communities thrive when local people come together. Tell us about your idea.

What is your postcode? This helps us match you with available funds.

Please provide a post code in the UK (ie: SW1A 0PW) or Eircode (ie: A65 F4E2) format

Tell us how much you need to raise.

Please enter a valid amount.

Finally, what is your email address?

Please enter a valid email address.

How it works

Create an account

Create an account

Anyone can create a project for their community. Sign up for free and start building your project page.

Create a project page

We will help you develop your project so you are set up for success and ready to crowdfund.

Create a fundraising page
Access additional funds

Access additional funds

We have over £6m from exclusive funders that can back your campaign to help you reach your fundraising goals faster.

Share and collect pledges

Share your project far and wide to start raising funds and boost local support. You can get lots of helpful tips and resources along the way.

Verify, publish and share

Success stories

Over 200m2 of landscaped community sports infrastructure which provides new leisure opportinities for local young people.

Partnered with Cotswold District Council

The transformation of a neglected city centre building into a venue for artists, audiences and communities to come together to connect, collaborate and play.

Partnered with North East Combined Authority

A thought-provoking and timely mural that asks the onlooker to consider their relationship to the natural world.

Partnered with Cheshire West and Chester Council


Spacehive is a crowdfunding platform designed for projects aimed at improving local areas. There are three simple steps to using Spacehive: create, crowdfund, and deliver.

Anyone can create a project on Spacehive provided that it is locally-rooted, tangible, and serves a community purpose.

When you're ready you can start your crowdfunding campaign. This means asking people to pledge money to your campaign, with the assurance that if the campaign is unsuccessful they will be refunded. Our platform will automatically match projects to Funds, which can then pledge directly to the crowdfunding campaign.

The funds are received approximately three weeks after reaching the target. You can go ahead and deliver your project.
It’s easy. Start by creating your project page for free on From there you can get your idea verified, pitch to our funding partners, and start your crowdfunding campaign.
Spacehive partners with organisations that want to support community projects with exclusive funds available to support local ideas. These funds might come from companies, councils and foundations.

You are matched to funds depending on certain criteria, such as location, and project type. You can make short ‘pitches’ to these funds via the Spacehive website, which involves answering questions about your project. Once your crowdfunding campaign is live, the funds you have pitched to will monitor your progress and then decide whether to pledge alongside the crowd.

Visit our Funds page to see if our partners are offering funds in your area.
At Spacehive we have an ‘all-or-nothing’ policy. This means that you must reach your fundraising target within the allocated time frame in order to receive any of the funds. If you don’t hit your monetary goal, your project will not receive its funding and any backers will be refunded.

This crowdfunding model gives project backers the confidence to invest in a project, contributing to the high campaign success rate on the Spacehive platform.
Verification is a check to make sure that your project is viable and can go ahead. This usually involves making sure your costs are realistic and evidenced, and that you have secured any necessary permissions from the council/landowner. It may also involve things like insurance, financial records, and safeguarding policies.

Getting verified is a confidence-booster and makes your project more appealing to funders.
Spacehive is transparent with its fee model and unlike other crowdfunding platforms there are no hidden extras or automated tipping. Anyone can join Spacehive and create a project for free.

Fees are 5% (+VAT) of the project target and are only applicable in the event of a successful campaign. When you input your project costs, our platform will calculate this fee and it will appear as a cost item in your budget.

There are transaction fees (fees which apply when receiving electronic money payments, charged by our payment partner, Stripe) which are calculated when you input your project costs. These costs will vary depending on the transaction method, but are approximately 2.2% of the payment value, and only payable if the campaign is successful.

The 5% (+VAT) success fee and the transaction fees are added to your crowdfunding target at the outset. All fees are covered by your crowd, and you have 100% of the amount you need to deliver your project.

You can make a difference today

Join thousands of other communities and create a project now.

Host a community meal
Host a
community meal