Rumi Mosque and Community Centre is a subsidiary of Anatolian Muslims Society a registered Charity 2004 serving the community since 2004 with a vast range of community activities. Rumi Mosque is an award-winning ‘British Beacon Mosque’.
Rumi Mosque is a place of worship and community gathering located in Edmonton Green providing a welcoming, peaceful and loving atmosphere for Muslims and non-Muslims alike with a particular emphasis on adolescents &young adults -Functions like community hub for locals&all inhabitants of GreaterLondon.
The Mosque takes its name after the famous 13th-century Islamic theologian, Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi who emphasised the essential Islamic teachings of love, charity, care & commitment to others and an emphatic acceptance of diversity. Rumi said, “come, come, whoever you are”, accordingly, we believe in a confident, caring, compassionate form of religious belief, learning and practice
We were the first mosque in UK to have appointed a female head of a mosque in UK.
We proactively engage with all communities in our neighbourhood through interfaith & Intercultural events such as conference facilities, family fun & activity days, breakfast for the homeless and disadvantaged twice a week,(food & clothing aid), women cookery club,knowledge & skills based community training courses e.g ESOL & IT classes, carriers services (in partnership Enfield Carers centre and AgeUK),youth training courses,community cohesion projects training workshops in order to help advance social awareness,education and integration within our local community.
We receive over 12,000 visitors weekly.
Our mosque is not only a place where the community gathered just for prayer but also for meetings,learning,performing humanitarian aid,community work and celebrating happy occasions.We are a member of VOICESinBRITAIN,a consortium network of voluntary organisations and often work in partnership with British and National Charities such as the RedCross,Time2Help,Salvation Army.
We are proud of being British Muslims continuously supporting harmony and integration,teaching a sense of belonging and common values.The open attitude of the mosque and its people make a major contribution to fostering interfaith intercultural understanding in the local communty