We’re working with the Council to temporarily turn some low-traffic streets (the junction between Vivian Rd and Chisenhale Rd in E3) into a shared community space which will be used as:
- A pop-up playground to allow the children at Chisenhale School to have longer playtimes in their new ‘covid-secure’ year group bubbles
- An Outdoor classroom where children have PE lessons and gardening club
- Space for safer drop offs and pickups
- A pocket-park for the community to use outside of school hours
- An outdoor venue for a programme of arts workshops, street dance and whatever ideas emerge over the year
We hope that we can transform these roads from something that divides and confines us into a shared space for the community, at the same time as encouraging active travel and making the street greener.
What we'll deliver:
- 1-2 outdoor classroom spaces
- a programme of at least 10 arts events over the next year
- a pop up parklet for use of the community outside of school hours
- >200sq m of pop-up play space for children
- >20 new street trees/shrubs/plants
- an outdoor (basic) covid-secure performance space
- 18+ secure bike parking spaces
Why it's a great idea:
We want to build a new community asset from some of the challenges that COVID-19 has brought.
Everyone will benefit from a greener, quieter street, and use of a pop-up parklet outside of school hours.
Children at Chisenhale Primary will have access to better and longer playtimes, they are currently limited to shorter lunch play due to year group bubbles. Year 1 Children will have access to morning play to help transition from Early Years.
The whole community will benefit from a programme of events hosted by Chisenhale Art Space including, art workshops, dance performances and outdoor open studios events.
Steps to get it done:
- Secure final permissions from the local Council
- Develop arts programme with the local organisations
- Finalise detailed designs for the flexible community space, including site security etc.
- The installation + build, including fences, planters, seating areas and gates to allow flexible use
In terms of specific impacts on the road access, this idea will mean a short section of Chisenhale Road (between Vivian and Zealand Roads) being closed to motor vehicles (but not to emergency vehicles, pedestrians or cycles), and a section of Vivian Road becoming one-way. We're currently working with the Highways and Transportation Department of Tower Hamlets Council to finalise these designs and necessary temporary traffic management orders.
We have secured the support of (1) The Chisenhale School Head and Governors, (2) The leadership of the Chisenhale Gallery and Art Space and (3) local councillors.