Connecting people, ideas, and support from the crowd to make Leicester an even better place!
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By Braunstone Frith Primary School
Help Year 5 pupils from Braunstone Frith Primary to create a new activity hub to tackle the very low adult activity levels within the school's local community.
Sorry this project was unsuccessful, we did not reach our fundraising goal.
We want to create a new activity hub in our sports hall and invite members of the local community to use this space. To do this, the hall needs to be given a huge makeover and transformed from the existing tired and unattractive space into a vibrant, welcoming fully equipped space suitable for many different activities that would entice the community to take part in different activities. We need new flooring, wall art and new equipment so that the space can be used for many different sport and wellbeing activities for individuals and groups of all ages. Braunstone Frith Primary Academy borders two Leicester City Ward areas, New Parks and Braunstone that are areas within the 1% most deprived areas of England (indices-of-deprivation-in-leicester-briefing-on-implications-2019.pdf). The new activity hub will facilitate opportunities for new weekly formal and informal activity, inside and outside of the activity hub.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
The new activity space will demonstrate to the pupils at Braunstone Frith Primary Academy borders two Leicester City Ward areas, New Parks and Braunstone that are areas within the 1% most deprived areas of England (indices-of-deprivation-in-leicester-briefing-on-implications-2019.pdf). This project will show pupils that they can be agents of change in their local community. The project will contribute to raising the significantly low levels of activity within the local population. The project will also support the Trust's vision to see each of our schools to be seen as a leader of, and vital to, its local community and fundamental to the identity of its surrounding community. This project will position the school as a resource for use by the local community that can bring about other positive change in other areas such as health, crime and education.
Steps to get it done:
These activities will be facilitated by working in partnership with parents, local clubs and community groups. The completion of the project will create employment for a new evening and weekend Premises officer post, support an increase in volunteering associated with local sports clubs accessing the facilities. Evening use of the school would facilitate the opportunity to run adult education classes on site.
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Whoop, 10 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Connecting people, ideas, and support from the crowd to make Leicester an even better place!
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £3,753
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:
Target (inc. fees) £3,753
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