Back in Jan 2017, we asked for your help to bring stories to life for young children and families in Bow by transforming a dingy and disused room in our centre into Bow Storyspace! You responded so generously and we raised £3,510! Thank you again for your amazing support. During the last six months, we've been busy repainting, clearing rubbish, choosing our fittings, putting together flat pack furniture and picking out the most inspiring story-books and story-props we can lay our hands on! The space had its official launch on July 22nd when we welcomed families into the Storyspace for the first time and enjoyed a day of magical story-based activities (George's Marvellous experiments... A Tiger that Came for Tea tearoom... make-your-own puppet shows... A Gruffalo Treasure Hunt and much more!). If you came to support us, we hope you enjoyed it! Bow Storyspace is now open and serving children and families from across our neighbourhood - offering a comfortable, inspiring and inviting space for parents, toddlers and babies to share and borrow books and enjoy singing, rhymetime and play sessions together. Your generosity is already making a difference! Once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH !