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Artists with Dementia in Tower Hamlets

Engage Here CIC By Engage Here CIC

Art workshops for those with dementia, and their carers living in Tower Hamlets. We aim to build confidence in social interaction and stimulate participant's senses through finding their inner artist

Tower Hamlets Delivery stage

funded icon
This project was funded on 20 Mar 2021!

36 creative workshops for 72 participants living in Tower Hamlets. Half will be living with dementia and half will be their carers. The 36 workshops will be split into 6 programmes, intended to champion the participants creativity during what can be a significant time in their lives. The workshops are free and conducted over Zoom, so participants can join from the comfort of their own home. The workshops are: Cyanotype Printing Aromatic Printing Stencil Making Felt Making Clay Modelling Drawing from Sound Funding is required for the time of a facilitator to run the workshops, art materials for the participants, postage and packaging of materials and a designer to compile the recorded impact. A successful project would include increased desire to participate in arts and culture socially. An ability to practice their creativity beyond the workshops. A registered improvement in the participant's senses and the knowledge for how to trigger their senses creatively.

What we'll deliver:

  • 36 art workshops
  • Art tools and materials for 72 people
  • 1 report measuring the workshops impact on dementia

Why it's a great idea:

Following a pilot version of this project, funded by Toynbee Hall, we came came into contact with LinkAge Plus in Tower Hamlets. They support older residents in being less reliant on traditional healthcare services through meaningful activity. This is something we are also striving for as a result of this project. It is articulated well by Edward Bullmore, Head of Psychiatry at Cambridge University, "Patients who have been referred to an artist rather than prescribed, for example, antidepressants, taken over time, are making 37% less demands for visits to their GP and 27% less hospital admissions" By facilitating group creative workshops, we hope participants have more confidence to engage in the cultural sector, be this attending more exhibitions or events, or participating in additional workshops beyond our own project. Because our workshops are process driven and therefore active, we also hope our project increases a desire for other activities such as group sports and leisure.

Steps to get it done:

  • Securing 72 participants
  • Buying all of the equipment needed for each workshop
  • Posting equipment to every participant, so they have the tools they need
  • Completing the first programme of 6 workshops
  • Completing all six programmes of 36 workshops
  • Compiling all of the findings into a report

Location Tower Hamlets

About the space

Borough of Tower Hamlets


London Borough of Tower Hamlets

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £4,555

Facilitator for Running 36 Workshops - £2,160
Graphic Design for Project Report - £600
Postage via Royal Mail (Receipt is for 1 postage and will be multiplied by 36) - £246
Block Printing Inks for Aromatic Printing Workshops - £216
Pencils for Drawing Sound Workshops - £212
Wool Felt for Felt Making Workshops - £180
Sensitiser for Cyanotype Printing Workshops - £138
Clay for Clay Modelling Workshops - £108
Thick Paper for all Workshops - £108
Foam Roller for Aromatic Printing Workshops - £81
Other - £504

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Facilitator for Running 36 Workshops
Graphic Design for Project Report
Postage via Royal Mail (Receipt is for 1 postage and will be multiplied by 36)
Block Printing Inks for Aromatic Printing Workshops
Pencils for Drawing Sound Workshops
Wool Felt for Felt Making Workshops
Sensitiser for Cyanotype Printing Workshops
Clay for Clay Modelling Workshops
Thick Paper for all Workshops
Foam Roller for Aromatic Printing Workshops
Other Read More
  • Dried Flowers for Aromatic Printing Workshops
  • Soap for Felt Making Workshops
  • Scissors for Stencil Making Workshops
  • Rolling Pins for Clay Modelling Workshop
  • 3 Months Zoom license
  • Spray Bottles for Felt Making Workshops
  • Jiffy Bags for Postage
  • Foam Brushes for Cyanotype Printing Workshops
  • Black Bottles for Cyanotype Printing Workshop
  • Cutter for Clay Modelling Workshops
  • Layout Paper for all Workshops
  • Artist Sponges for Stencil Making Workshops


This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:

  • Cost of co-facilitators, specialists to each different workshop and more materials
  • Follow up packs, to give participants help sheets and more materials for the workshops they enjoyed
  • Creating an online exhibition of the participants' work to be displayed publicly

Target (inc. fees)  £4,555

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.

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