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Art on the streets of Preston

Funded on Spacehive 28 April 2023 Delivered 1 May 2023

Impact data and claims within this report are provided by the project creator and have not been independently verified by Spacehive.

Art on the streets of Preston

Art on the streets of Preston

Garry Cook By Garry Cook

Showcasing brilliant Preston artists. Local artists will have their artworks (2D: e.g. painting, photography - anything that can be printed) displayed in outdoor locations across the city of Preston.

Preston Delivery stage

funded icon
This project was funded on 28 Apr 2023!

Art by Preston people, for Preston people! This project aims to show the brilliant, diverse talent of the people of Preston. At a time when there are no accessible exhibitions - which can be viewed at any time of the day - on display in Preston, this project aims to bring art and culture to the people of Preston. Money raised will be spent on printing of the artworks (standard size A0) and for their installation. A producer will be paid to co-ordinate the project, find suitable spaces to hang the artworks, administer printing process and manage the call-out for artists who apply to have their work put on display.

What we'll deliver:

  • Display at least x20 A0 artworks on streets of Preston

Why it's a great idea:

Showcase the work of Preston artists. Encourage art, creativity and boost confidence of local creatives. Give people visiting the city of Preston some art to look at. Increase pride in the city through art. Outdoor location guarantees that people who do not usually see art get the chance to experience it.

Steps to get it done:

  • Publishing call-out for artists/art works
  • Selecting works for display
  • Delivering art works to printers
  • Installing art works
  • Unveiling art works to public and artists (launch party)

This proposal has been put together by Garry Cook (@gazcook) Cook and Enjoy the Show UK (@EnjoyTheShowUK) have brought over 150 arts and culture events to Preston, including exhibitions, theatre and performance shows, plus Lancashire Fringe Festival and Lancashire Photography Festival.

Location Preston

About the space

Custom Location


Preston City Council

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £2,804

Prints costs (x20 A0 correx + large scale correx - £1,400
Installation of art works £150 per day X2 people x2 days - £600
Production @200 per day x3 days - £600

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Prints costs (x20 A0 correx + large scale correx
Installation of art works £150 per day X2 people x2 days
Production @200 per day x3 days


This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:

  • Contingency for the project to protect against price fluctuation
  • printing of extra art works to display

Target (inc. fees)  £2,804

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.

Want to help?

Do you have stuff or skills to contribute to this project? Use this tool to offer something to the project creator.

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