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Help us create the apple tree theatre in Billingshurst
We need your help to raise funds to plant a C shape in semi dwarf apple trees, made of one row planted at the distance of fifteen feet apart the row being fifty meters long, with two extra trees to fill in at each end.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
The benefits to the community. To come together with a common purpose, to feel pride in the creative atmosphere. To realise and discuss the potential of the theatre and exchange ideas. To bring an opportunity to the young people in the community to realise the potential and the importance of a platform to express their concerns about the future and to promote awareness of what needs to be addressed and achieved. Positive action like plays / singing/ dance can help alleviate anxiety about the environment. The apple trees will benefit bees and other insects, they will be pleasant to look at, and will produce fruit. The area around can be utilised for the encouragement of biodiversity and thereby making a suitable educational environment. The area can be used for an outside classroom suitable to seat thirty students at social distancing. The area can be used for classes like yoga/ singing/ art etc. It could be used as a social hub for talking about local issues.
Steps to get it done:
The chosen area at station road gardens is a disused section which lends itself to the creative aspirations of the students to use the area to promote their concerns about the climate and other issues.
Location Billingshurst
About the space
The area is on the far left of station road gardens Billingshurst, behind the mounds in the park area.
Horsham District Council
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Brilliant news, thanks everyone!
We have some fantastic news, the parish council are pleased with our proposal The apple tree theatre in station road gardens, in Billingshurst is our first public funded project, it will be an area that can be used by the schools to add a different opportunity for their study ,if you could imagine a group of excited children doing a play , with their parents watching from the grassy bank, encouraging with cheers and clapping, what a wonderful vision, the local primary school and indeed the secondary school students may even join together and do a inter generational play! But the main benefit is that it opens up the opportunity for them and gives a dedicated area to use. We have got some pledges but need more, so if you feel that you would like to contribute to this lovely project that is our local community please go to https:// We take this opportunity to thank everyone that has already pledged . Onward and upward.
In 2007, Billingshurst Parish Council started discussing what to do with the former football field and cricket field in Station Road following the opening of the sports facilities at Jubilee Fields. A group of volunteers have worked since then to create the very popular Station Road Community Gardens, and the Friends of Station Road Gardens (Billingshurst) Limited was created. From it’s inception, the project has been supported and majority funded by the Parish Council, who have worked together with the team to develop the site into a community resource. Original ideas included landscaping the perimeter, maintaining a green in the middle for families to play, youth shelter, hard path around the edge, park style railings, arch through to the football field. Many of these ideas have come to fruition for the benefit of all of the community. Over and above these ideas, a number of further initiatives have been realised, including the creation of a raised accessible Sensory Bed, a selection of fruit and vegetable areas, a willow circle, a rock garden, a memorial bed (for 100 year commemoration of the end of WW1), and numerous other features. The site is widely used by the public throughout both days and evenings, from young children in the two play areas, through youths on the basketball & football court and shelter. Dog walkers and joggers frequent the park throughout the day, and families enjoy leisure activities and picnics on the field. There have been community events held in the Gardens, such as ‘Lark in the Park’, a local musical event which attracted up to 300 people to enjoy the entertainment on a sunny July afternoon, and outdoor shows from the ‘Mechanical Theatre’ group. The site has obtained a Silver Gilt Award in South and South East In Bloom competitions for both 2017 and 2018 The Silver-Gilt award received represents a high standard entry which met the judging criteria and objectives, and included sections of exceptionally high standard. The gardens were judged to generally meet sustainable and quality thresholds.. The judges also indicated that the gardens have potential to be a Gold Medal winner in the future. In November 2019, the Parish Council agreed to change the name of the site to Station Road Community Gardens The Chairman of the Friends of Station Road Gardens is Keith Brown, who has been recognised for his continued commitment to the Gardens (among other community projects) by the awarding of the British Empire Medal in 2020.
We are pleased to say that the first public theatre is in the process of getting funds for a semi circular outdoor theatre ,created by planting apple trees, this project is in a lovely community garden in Billingshurst. Station road gardens has been a work of inspiration led by Keith Brown, BEM and supported by the friends of station road gardens. Having a dedicated area will give opportunity for the local students to get some inspiration from doing drama in the open air surrounded by nature. As the threat of Covid dissipates we will again be able to come together with community events, station road gardens has been a fantastic community area during the these trying times , allowing people to exercise and connect with nature, it is our hope that the theatre will be embraced as a welcome addition to the encouragement of expression through art and drama .
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £1,515
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
Target (inc. fees) £1,515
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