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New Entrance and Toilets

New Entrance and Toilets

Hoghton Social & Sports Centre By Hoghton Social & Sports Centre

To improve the use of the Village Hall building for the users, by providing a new independant entrance that accesses each room separetely. Also providing new toilets including disabled facilities,

Hoghton Fundraising stage

pledged of £98,860
days left
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To provide an extra entrance to the Village Hall which will allow access to each meeting room separately. New toilets will be provided with this project with full disabled facilities. Cloakroom and toilet facilities will be accessed from either meeting room. Separate groups using the hall will no longer need to share the entrance for access to their meeting rooms. All materials will meet environmentally green criteria and fixtures and fittings will be low water usage and low voltage lighting and power. Windows and doors will also meet up to date insulated standards. The eventual external features will fit in with the existing building and meet planning for the area.

What we'll deliver:

  • New Modern Entrance
  • New Toilets
  • Disabled facilities

Why it's a great idea:

The project will allow users to come and go from each meeting room independently. All cloakroom and toilet facilities will also be accessible from each meeting room separately. All fixtures and fittings will be the most up to date and environmentally friendly as regards water usage and low voltage lighting and power.

Steps to get it done:

  • A new additional entrance which will be easily accessable to all and providing toilets that will service all users.

Location Hoghton

About the space

Hoghton Village Hall


Chorley Council

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £98,859

Demolition and new foundations - £15,643
Internals and finishes - £15,639
Roof - £14,496
Brickwork etc - £14,101
plumbing and heating - £9,194
External works and entrance canopy - £7,966
Professional fees - £4,500
Ground floor slab - £3,443
Electrics - £2,938
Windows & Doors - £2,938

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Demolition and new foundations
Internals and finishes
Brickwork etc
plumbing and heating
External works and entrance canopy
Professional fees
Ground floor slab
Windows & Doors


This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:

  • Contingency for the project to protect against price fluctuation
  • Decorating internally

Target (inc. fees)  £98,859

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