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Community Kitchen For Twickenham

ETNA Community Centre By ETNA Community Centre

Help us create a community kitchen run by The Real Junk Food Project & make the building fully accessible. A place to meet, share meals and build a sense of community while reducing food waste.

Richmond upon Thames Delivery stage

funded icon
This project was funded on 22 Nov 2018!

Sharing food is a really powerful way of bringing people together and supports our mission of reducing loneliness in our community. We have planning permission to extend the ground floor of our lovely Victorian building to provide a new larger kitchen with open-plan seating, with step-free access. By teaming up with a range of partner organisations, we will be able to reach out to groups and individuals that are currently under represented. Working with The Real Junk Food Project, the project will allow us to operate a full-time cafe for the first time. They use surplus food from local supermarkets and other retailers to make meals for the community - "filling bellies not bins". We also plan to work with Age UK to offer 'Man with a Pan' cooking sessions and members of the local Home Schooling Network to provide cooking activities for children outside of mainstream education. This cannot happen without your help! Please pledge what you can, just £5 will go a long way!

What we'll deliver:

  • Community Kitchen - with Real Junk Food Cafe open 5 days a week
  • Step Free Access - a new side entrance for all
  • Extended Timetable of Activities - new cooking classes for example Man with a Pan, cooking for single parents and kids

Why it's a great idea:

ETNA has been running for over 30 years and is already a well used and loved resource in Twickenham. Our project will allow us to open the Centre to more people and enable us to tackle the loneliness facing some members of our community. We have a high number of elderly people within the community and by creating the step free access we can open our door to more of these residents. We are passionate about reducing loneliness and isolation and plan to partner with other organisations to deliver a varied programme for our community. The Real Junk Food Project will allow us to operate a cafe with a difference. By working with local supermarkets, cafes and bakeries they will take food surplus and turn it into meals for the community. With three environmental charities based at ETNA we are also determined to reduce our carbon footprint. The local community have backed the project in recent surveys and votes. So now we need your help to turn it in to a reality.

Steps to get it done:

  • Start building our extension in spring 2019
  • Open Real Junk Food Cafe by autumn 2019
  • Create Step Free Access by autumn 2019
  • Create new meeting/activity space by winter 2019
  • Launch new timetable of activities by January 2020

Location Richmond upon Thames

About the space

Custom Location


London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £92,918

VAT (20%) - £14,000
Cavity wall and brickwork - £9,700
Kitchen units and worktop - £8,000
Glass and glazing - £7,400
Contingency - £7,000
Preliminaries - £6,250
Excavation and site works - £5,900
Foundations - £4,500
Structural Steelwork - £4,500
Roofing construction - £4,240
Other - £18,245

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

VAT (20%)
Cavity wall and brickwork
Kitchen units and worktop
Glass and glazing
Excavation and site works
Structural Steelwork
Roofing construction
Other Read More
  • Joinery and carpentry
  • Demolition and strip out
  • Electrical services
  • Mechanical services
  • Concrete floor for extension
  • Flooring for kitchen
  • Underground drainage
  • New ceilings
  • Integrated under counter refridgerator
  • Microwave

Target (inc. fees)  £92,918

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.

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