Lockdown has reduced club income to zero however pitches and equipment still need maintainance to ensure that cricket can be palyed in the future. In additioon,Towcestrians has been able to attract a large number of youngsters by using the ECB Allstars and Dynamos programs. Many of these youngsters have had no exposure to cricket at home and some have only limited access to sport. All are made welcome. However in order to maintain the growth in numbers we need a constant supply of volunteers. Not only do we need coaches, we need willing volunteers for numerous relatively small tasks. Everything from sending out team Tweets to scoring and first aid. We plan to recruit a high number of volunteers so that the time snatch on individuals by the club is minimised to a level where it remains fun. To do this we need some funds for courses and recruitment events.
What we'll deliver:
- urgent ground maintainance
- courses/help for coaches/volunteers
- machinery running costs
Why it's a great idea:
It will enable the club to stay afloat during lockdown and be able to provide facilitie swhen it lifts. Tows will be able to continue to faciitate cricket for more youngsters
Steps to get it done:
- Pitch maintained in acceptable standard for future play
- organising first volunteer recruitment evening session
Part of the ECB Dynamos initiatve