A free immersive art exhibition and workshop space celebrating the ‘Feminine’ and empowering survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence.
Sorry this project was unsuccessful, we did not reach our fundraising goal.
Our mission is to explore and expand the boundaries of using art as a therapeutic tool for survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence. Whilst reconnecting people with the wisdom and power of the ‘Feminine'. This five-day exhibition in East London will be an inspiring combination of immersive sensory art, performance, mythological storytelling and healing workshops. Allowing the audience to both appreciate and interact with the work.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
This project is a beacon of hope in such turbulent times. Tower Hamlets had the sixth highest rate of recorded sexual offences in England (2018) and quarantine measures have seen reported rates of domestic abuse soar. We believe art has the power to heal and we want to share this innovative approach with everyone, especially survivors. Using a community oriented and inclusive approach, this exhibition will be a place to reawaken our connection the ‘Feminine’. The ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ resides within everyone regardless of gender. It’s the Yin and Yang of our being. Two contrasting yet balancing sets of energy that are embodied in everyone, and we need both to achieve our highest potential - the balance is off and it needs restoring. Now, more than ever, we need the creative nurturing energy of the ‘feminine’. We are creating a legacy to build on and this is just the start. Please help us bring accessible and healing art to East London and beyond!
Steps to get it done:
We are extremely grateful for your donations! If you aren’t in a position to donate, we would be extremely grateful if you could share our Spacehive page on your social media channels. Keep up to date with us on instagram @divine_feminine_project & @thesurvivorstrust P.S Spacehive only withdraw donations when we hit if target on the 6th July!
Location Tower Hamlets
About the space
Exhibition and workshop space
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
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Whoop, 86 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Whoop, 86 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Whoop, 86 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Whoop, 60 people have pledged since fundraising began!
Whoop, 50 people have pledged since fundraising began!
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £25,701
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:
Target (inc. fees) £25,701
Our Volunteer List
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