2019 National Youth Championships at Warwick This was it then! The milestone for the band – the Youth Champs in Wawrick! We spent the whole of the week prior in a state of high excitement, making sure everyone and everything was ready: Travel, uniforms, music (and how to play it!), safeguarding and risk assessments, contact details and medical requirements, there’s a lot to think about. Luckily our crack team - Linda, Cara and Kirstyanne - had everything in hand. On the day, every player arrived and it was lovely to meet the families. You can see the photos on our Brass of the Saff Facebook group. The band played superbly and we were very proud of how they have come on. The Brass of the Saff has attracted quite a bit of attention and we were pleased to be interviewed by 4bars rest – which is the main press outlet for brass bands. You can see the interview on our Facebook group. Thanks to our new funding, we have installed a band admin system. This means we can improve our communication with families and really look at the progress, musical and otherwise, of each of our players. Badges, awards and qualifications are the name of the game next term so there’s no slacking. We will be exploring ‘beyond the stave’ as well, and experimenting with original ideas. Exciting! Performances Catch the band playing this year at the Riverside Festival on Sunday 2nd June and at the Cosmopolitan Carnival in August. Join the Brass of the Saff If you know a young person who would like to join the band after Easter – here’s a link to book a place https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/brass-of-the-saff-youth-band-tickets-59108281461 Taster sessions Groups can order a taster session from us too. We can bring up to 20 instruments and deliver an hour of introductory instrumental fun and games for groups of all ages at a cost of £200 (subsidies are available for funded groups). Contact us at [email protected]