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Replace existing kitchen and refurbish premises toilets to provide a community facility that is fit for a 20-year future, compliant with food hygiene standards, enabling occasional catering events. has served the widely dispersed community of Redford for some 60 years. To ensure that the hall continues to be fit-for-purpose in a changing society, an ambitious programme of refurbishment was planned. The work was divided into 3 phases, to enable the hall to be out of action for as little time as possible. Phase 1, a new roof, replacement windows, thermal insulation and internal redecoration, cost £82,000. Phase 2 consisted of external timber recladding, a porch and valuable storage area. Costing £22,850, this work was completed in 2017. The final phase project is estimated to cost £10,920. The kitchen, which is inadequate for some of the larger events that are now held, will be rewired and redesigned to provide a better working space including newly plastered and tiled walls, more storage for equipment, updated appliances and better working surface areas. The floor covering will also be upgraded, along with that of the entrance hall and the toilets.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
These planned upgrades and will make this community building much more welcoming, and will ensure that it continues to be used in the years to come. We are finding that the hall is already being used more regularly – now that it is warmer and brighter. The Parish Council holds all of its’ public meetings in the hall. The building is also used as a polling station and has been used for any number of public meetings. Community fitness groups use it regularly, as do U3A groups and Charity meetings. Community events sit well with private birthday parties for all ages, even wedding receptions. These events are the life-blood of the hall, which was built by the community 6o years ago. We recognise the importance of moving with the current public demands and having a facility equipped for future needs.
Steps to get it done:
Redford Village Hall is a registered charity. All financial accounts are available on the website. The building is located north of Midhurst and Chichester, in a very rural area within the designated South Downs National Park. This small Hall is versatile, benefitting hundreds of people, from community events in the immediate area to functions such as the monthly indoor market that are attended by visitors from a distance. Recreational events attract and consolidate the wider community from outlying areas. There has been an annual Christmas party and continuing live music evenings.
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Brilliant news, thanks everyone!
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £11,354
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
Target (inc. fees) £11,354
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