An old Billiard Hall in Arundel that has been used in a variety of ways since it was purpose built in 1901needs to be moved into the 22nd Century.
Quite early on the billiard tables were moved out and for many years it operated as a dance and disco space with a popular bar. However revenues declined and basic services started to break down. A Members Club which ran the space was forced to shut down.
Eventually a small theatre group - Drip Action Theatre - took over the space and transformed the disco hall into a small 40 seater theatre.
The group is very successful but can only support 3 or 4 productions a year. Equipment is old and makeshift, the seating is ancient. The vision is to upgrade the theatre space whilst at the same time build in flexibility so a whole variety of activities can take place. We also want to make the space as COVID safe as possible which involves reorganising the outside spaces next to the Hall
What we'll deliver:
- A modern fully operational small theatre space
- A completely redesigned space that can also support cinema projection
- A flexible space for community activities
Why it's a great idea:
Upgrading the space will significantly improve what the town can produce culturally. Not only will the resident theatre group have a better home, modern equipment will attract other theatre groups in to perform. Being able to switch easily into cinema projection will produce a 50 seater able to show both blockbuster and more niche art cinema productions
During the day the space will transform into a light and airy space ideal for dance, exercise and other community activities
Steps to get it done:
- Replacing all the windows and uncovering a hidden mansard ceiling
- Creating the theatre space with new curtains and equipment
- Reorganising the seating
The enhanced space will help transform and old and much loved Institute in the centre of town into a vibrant cultural centre not only able to stage local productions but also able to offer the latest films and streamed productions. The space would also brilliantly support creative classes for the 2 primary schools in the town and a series of masterclasses for adults