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Re-Imagined Walworth

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Re-Imagined Walworth

Re-Imagine Walworth By Re-Imagine Walworth

Use art as a way to re-imagine the streetscape of Walworth. Connect to the local community through an art based frame to look at possible solutions for our community post Covid-19.

Southwark Delivery stage

pledged of £32,858

Sorry this project was unsuccessful, we did not reach our fundraising goal.

Use the arts to re-imagine the streetscape of Walworth to make it a more healthy, sustainable and inclusive place. 5 local artists will be given a brief to work with 5 local community groups. The brief will ask local community members post Covid-19 how they would like to re-imagine Walworth. It will ask them through an art lens how they would like to create more green spaces and give more of our streetscape to active travel such as walking and cycling. It will ask them: post Covid-19 how do we build back better? Artists will work with these groups to create responses through a variety of potential media such as dance, visual arts, theatre, and fashion. This will culminate in an interactive, outdoor ‘Imaginative Walworth’ festival in Aug 2021. These events and responses will be compiled into a vision map for the future to be shared with the local council, partners and developers. Our aim is that this will facilitate a conversation about the place we live and its sustainability.

What we'll deliver:

  • 5 artists working with a brief to engage locals
  • An arts festival in Aug 2021 with outdoor street art animations
  • Map of the future designed by artists and residents
  • 5 new art responses in 5 outdoor locations
  • An interactive website that displays the work of the festival
  • A team of 20 community volunteers
  • New community partnerships and connections
  • A plan to rebuild better using arts post Covid-19

Why it's a great idea:

(1) A greater sense of community among Walworth residents, especially at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic has forced many to isolate and made it difficult to maintain contact with others (2) A sense of reconnection to the local area (3) Opportunities for local artists whose work may have suffered from the Covid-19 pandemic to promote and showcase their work (4) Greater community cohesion and consensus on the topic of sustainable Walworth and shared priorities for a future of the local area that is healthy, sustainable and inclusive. (5) Increased environmental and sustainability awareness (6) Fun outdoor Covid-19-friendly activity for local people in which social distancing can be maintained. (7) Increased footfall for local businesses (e.g. on Walworth Road) by people from outside the area (8) A healthy inclusive activity that takes place outdoors and in green spaces, incorporating walking and cycling between different locations (9) A plan to build back better and a new vision

Steps to get it done:

  • We will develop a key leadership team in April 2021 for the project
  • Regular monthly steering group/ committee group meetings.
  • April and May we interview 5 artists based on the brief.
  • April and May a marketing strategy and initial community release on the project.
  • April and May the project manager will identify 5 community groups and locations for this project
  • June and July the 5 artists will work outdoors engaging the community
  • July the development of a festival map of events and ideas of creating a more sustainable Walworth.
  • Aug 5 sharing events across the community to highlight work and ideas created.
  • Sep a full report and sustainability strategy created and shared with committee, partners, council and local developers


Location Southwark

About the space

The area is that of Walworth in Southwark


London Borough of Southwark

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £32,858

5 x community artists fees - £15,000
Project Management - £4,000
Marketing of project - £1,500
Community organisations core contributions x 5 sites x £300 each - £1,500
Site logistics and management - £1,500
Development of Map - £1,500
Photography and film collection - £1,000
5 x community gatherings/ sharing's - £1,000
Hire of travelling wagon/ stall for outside events x 20 days @£39 per day - £780
Cost of website (actual quotation) - £714
Other - £1,521

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

5 x community artists fees
Project Management
Marketing of project
Community organisations core contributions x 5 sites x £300 each
Site logistics and management
Development of Map
Photography and film collection
5 x community gatherings/ sharing's
Hire of travelling wagon/ stall for outside events x 20 days @£39 per day
Cost of website (actual quotation)
Other Read More
  • Contingency
  • Volunteer Costs
  • Large Marque for outside events with weights
  • Insurance (Based on Peoples Company costs)

Target (inc. fees)  £32,858

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.

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