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Prevent homelessness in Malvern

Maggs Day Centre By Maggs Day Centre

With the cost of living crisis hitting everyone, we want to expand the services at our Malvern Day Centre to prevent people becoming homeless.

Malvern Hills District Delivery stage

funded icon
This project was funded on 24 Dec 2022!

Contrary to its picture postcard image, the result of both the increased presence of rough sleepers in Malvern and two deaths of rough sleepers, led us to open our Day Centre in Malvern in 2020. We engage with people who are both homeless and vulnerable, i.e. they are isolated either geographically or physically from other people, and/or from services. The Day Centre is located in the Salvation Army building and we work with other partners like Caring for Communities and People, the Police, Platform Housing Association, and we are in consultation to develop a partnership with the Basement Project who help vulnerable young people. The services provided are focussed on both relieving and preventing homelessness. Since the Centre opened we have been able to move 34 rough sleepers into temporary or permanent housing. The Day Centre is supported by our Outreach Worker, who goes out to engage with rough sleepers in the locality proactively drawing them in to use the Day Centre.

What we'll deliver:

  • Prevent people becoming homeless
  • Help people who do become homeless to find housing

Why it's a great idea:

The cost of living crisis means that we're all having to tighten our belts and economise. Rent, fuel bills, and other essentials are all more expensive than they were a few months ago. But for some people these higher prices mean they are at risk of losing their homes and becoming homeless because they can’t make ends meet. We want to make sure this does not happen, so we are going to help people who are at risk of becoming homeless due to the cost of living crisis. We will provide them with help and support to manage their finances, to claim any benefits they might be entitled to, and to advocate for them if they are in debt to anyone. By doing this we reduce the risk of them becoming homeless. It's much better to prevent people becoming homeless than to try to pick up the pieces once they have lost their homes.

Steps to get it done:

  • Preventing people at risk losing their homes
  • Providing financial and benefits advice
  • Finding homes for those who become homeless

The rise of homelessness in Malvern is in line with a national trend which has seen a dramatic increase in homelessness in rural areas. Research by the IPPR think tank shows a 42% rise in rough sleeping in England’s predominantly rural local authorities over the last 5 years. Maggs Day Centre in Malvern was set up in response to concerns raised by the local community who came together in the form of a community organisation called Malvern Cares. They asked Maggs to open a Day Centre in Malvern, after two rough sleepers died and in response to a growing concern among the community that there were insufficient services available in Malvern to adequately respond to the needs of people experiencing homelessness. They also assisted in fundraising for the project, and the local Council, seeing the community response, also contributed money to help set up the Day Centre.


Location Malvern Hills District

About the space

Custom Location


Malvern Hills District Council

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £29,834

Staff costs - £16,143
Share of overheads - £3,840
Management fee - £2,592
recruitment and training - £1,500
rent - £1,440
insurance contribution - £1,364
phones - £1,136
Equipment - £500

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Staff costs
Share of overheads
Management fee
recruitment and training
insurance contribution


This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:

  • Contingency for the project to protect against price fluctuation

Target (inc. fees)  £29,834

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.
  • we need active listeners and volunteers to help out on a Tuesday and Friday at Malvern Day Centre

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