Nip in the Bud® works with mental health professionals of the highest standing to produce free short evidence-based films and fact sheets to help parents, educationalists and others working with children to recognise and respond to potential mental health conditions. You can visit our website here: Hello everyone, It’s been one year since you helped us reach our crowdfunding target, and we couldn’t be more grateful. So far we’ve created four engaging podcasts, and we’re planning to continue releasing one podcast a month on our website to explore the topics which are most important to our audience. Podcasts are a great way to engage with busy parents and teachers. It also gives us an opportunity to do a deep-dive into some really valuable discussions which we just couldn’t do justice to in a short film. In case you’ve missed our first episodes, here's a summary of what’s we’ve been up to so far. You can find all our podcasts on our website: Episode 1: Dyslexia Episode 2: Founding of Nip in the Bud Episode 3: Raising an autistic child Episode 4: Celebrating neurodiversity Thank you again for your support of this project and your commitment to raising awareness about children’s mental health and neurodiversity. With best wishes, Kitty Nabarro Co-founder of Nip in the Bud