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Margate High Street Community Garden

The Margate School By The Margate School

We are creating a community garden by clearing a piece of land at the back of our School off Margate's High Street that has been a dumping ground and place of anti-social behaviour for over a decade.

Margate Delivery stage

funded icon
This project was funded on 25 Jul 2022!

We are clearing a piece of derelict land at the back of our School to create a community garden guided by permaculture principles to benefit the School's community, the neighbourhood, local schools + community groups. It will be a place for respite/contemplation; experiencing nature in an urban environment; art through sculptural objects; social community events; educational purposes, e.g. growing herbs, fruit + veg. Explore seasonal eating with the users of Our Kitchen (also in the High Street); research + experiment with plant based extracts to create natural fabric dyes or sustainable photography. We will also offer workshops, continue to develop our Eco conference series and develop sustainability based courses + qualifications.

What we'll deliver:

  • Clear the site of rubbish resulting from fly-tipping and vandalism
  • Erect fencing and gates
  • Create a perma-culture orientated community garden plan
  • Preserve and prune existing trees and vegetation, remove those deemed dangerous
  • install electrical and water supply, compostable toilet
  • Purchase Insurances
  • Create social area & sculpture area
  • build a working shed and install a bicycle shelter
  • plant fruit bearing shrubs, herbs, some veg
  • Employ a coordinator

Why it's a great idea:

The Margate School is situated in the High Street of Margate, in one of the most challenging high streets in the country and one of the poorest wards in the country, surrounded by some of the poorest wards. The rear of our building has attracted anti-social and criminal behaviour, drug users, vandalism, fly-tipping over the years affecting the local residents, traders, our students, visitors, shoppers and tourists. The project is an opportunity to significantly positively impact on the lives of the local community but also wider communities and give the High Street an improved presence. Benefits include: Neighbourhood and community building Wellbeing and healthy living Regeneration and reinvention of the high street Greening of an urban environment Diversification of insects, birds, plants Reduced anti-social behaviour Connecting art, the community and nature Improved educational and skills development offer Potential for development and employment opportunities

Steps to get it done:

  • Consult and communicate with neighbours and stakeholders
  • Fine tune project delivery plan
  • Draft longer term vision for the project
  • Recruit volunteers
  • Instruct contractors
  • Clear site
  • Establish fence, gates, shed, plant beds, benches
  • Install electrics
  • Install water supply
  • Host conference
  • Run workshops
  • Install sculptures
  • host community events

The Margate School opened its door in the summer of 2019 taking on the former Woolworths building situated in the High Street of Margate, that stood empty since 2008. It managed to gain some funding to start its operation offering the only European MA in Fine Art: Art, Society, Nature + running numerous community based workshops, exhibitions + events. It is actively supporting the regeneration of Margate's high street through its work, facilities + public art + community projects. We have become a creative + community hub working with diverse community groups, schools, professionals + industry alike thus creating + nurturing a collaborative + co-creative ecology. The community garden will be an extension of our humanist vision. We have now received some funding from the National Lottery Community Fund to kick start the project + allowing us to raise further funds for the project in support of the local community. In 2021 the TMS team had a permaculture workshop for project preparation

Location Margate

About the space

Custom Location


Thanet District Council

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £28,093

Electrical Supply installation - £4,894
Fencing cost + gates - £4,690
Project coordinator - £3,500
Cycle shelter for 18 bikes - £2,800
Rainwater supply and connections - £2,600
shed - £2,100
sculptor in residence - £2,000
Outdoor toilet - £1,400
Permaculture consultant - £1,200
Site clearance - £600
Other - £1,200

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Electrical Supply installation
Fencing cost + gates
Project coordinator
Cycle shelter for 18 bikes
Rainwater supply and connections
sculptor in residence
Outdoor toilet
Permaculture consultant
Site clearance
Other Read More
  • Community garden film
  • Tree removal and surgery


This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:

  • making of raised beds and purchase of plants, seeds
  • garden solar lights for evening events
  • Eco conference and workshops

Target (inc. fees)  £28,093

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.

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