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Suitcase Stories- The Play Malvern

Arts Uplift CIC By Arts Uplift CIC

Based on real-life events, Suitcase Stories The Play will be an exciting theatre production about a Worcestershire woman’s journey through the diagnosis of dementia, using local actors.

Great Malvern Delivery stage

funded icon
This project was funded on 10 Aug 2022!

This exciting theatre production, written and directed by an international director, is based on the rich stories collected from Worcestershire residents living with dementia. It has a fairytale quality and is portrayed through movement and text weaving realism and the abstract. Margaret was one of the first women to fly an aeroplane and now she is discovering that she has dementia. Over 3.5 weeks of rehearsals, we will create an inspiring and important play raising much-needed awareness of dementia. It will be performed at Malvern Cube for 3 shows by local people. These include children and young people from economically deprived areas of Malvern, emerging actors from Worcester University and older people. If we hit our target, Suitcase Stories can go ahead. We are also hopeful for additional funding to come through from Arts Council at the end of Summer which will enable us to also work with professional actors on the show - we'll keep you updated on our progress!

What we'll deliver:

  • The hire of the theatre and rehearsal space
  • Set, props and costume
  • Refreshments for all in rehearsals and during the shows
  • Travel costs for the producer, admin assistant, actors, creative team, volunteers and technical team
  • Marketing print, distribution and adverts

Why it's a great idea:

This crowdfunding campaign will enable us to offer concessions for those on a low income, those with disabilities and over 65s. Producing this innovative play has many benefits. Malvern Hills district has a large older population, of which many will have dementia. Nationally one in 14 people over the age of 65 have dementia, and the condition affects 1 in 6 people over 80. This play will bring awareness about dementia to a wide age ranging audience and will encourage understanding and acceptance. Having some good props, set and costumes will really make the project come alive and enable the audience to be transported to the world of Margaret the main character and her family. The community cast will learn skills from our internationally recognised director (and hopefully the professional actors too if the Arts Council funding is a success). Young people from economically deprived areas will be given a chance to raise their aspirations by being in such positive activity.

Steps to get it done:

  • Book all rehearsal spaces and the theatre
  • Contract the designer and they design the set , props and costume
  • Get the set, props and costume made from the design
  • Buy and gather all other props and costume that is needed
  • Get the marketing designed and printed
  • Distribute the marketing through mail outs, print distribution services and in and around towns and villages
  • Place facebook and paper adverts

An audience member said when we showed a section of the play online as part of our research and development phase "everyone must see this play. It was brilliant! I felt that the narrative perfectly conveyed the feelings of confusion , isolation and even loneliness that must be experienced by people as they begin to develop dementia and their thinking becomes less connected. Congratulations to all on such a sensitive , deep , moving , relevant and uplifting work of art so deftly delivered. You moved a lad from Crewe to tears."

Location Great Malvern

About the space

Custom Location


Malvern Hills District Council

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £15,897

Travel - £3,681
Set - £3,078
Venue hire rehearsals- 123 hours - £3,066
Theatre hire- 3.5 days - £1,156
Costume - £1,000
props - £600
marketing design- 1 day - £360
Marketing and signposting support - £344
Venue hire auditions- 2 days - £309
Venue hire for 1 day for one of the auditions - £300
Other - £1,018

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Venue hire rehearsals- 123 hours
Theatre hire- 3.5 days
marketing design- 1 day
Marketing and signposting support
Venue hire auditions- 2 days
Venue hire for 1 day for one of the auditions
Other Read More
  • marketing distribution 5,000 leaflets for 2 months
  • Box office and marketing support
  • Refreshments
  • marketing print flyers
  • Extra rehearsal time
  • Marketing support
  • marketing print posters


This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:

  • Larger technical budget
  • More budget on accessibility
  • More concession tickets available

Target (inc. fees)  £15,897

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.

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