Creating healthy people, a healthy economy, a healthy environment and healthy organisations

During Covid lockdown income has ceased but the cricket grounds need to be maintained. Whilst this is undertaken by our volunteers their are costs such as fuel, machinery maintenance, etc to be met
Funding through this project will help ensure our volunteers keep both cricket fields maintained ready for when sporting activities can recommence. Both fields are also used by our local community as a place to sit, enjoy the scenery, walk their dogs, etc and it is important that we maintain the grounds for this general use too. Inevitably there are costs associated with this maintenance and donations to help us offset these, at a time when our income streams have dried up, will be a great help. All monies raised will supplement our resources to maintain the ground.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
The project will help ensure our grounds are kept to the high standards expected by the local community and ensure they are available for the local people of St Georges to use, whilst ensuring cricket activities can commence once lockdown ceases.
Steps to get it done:
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Creating healthy people, a healthy economy, a healthy environment and healthy organisations
Click on the pink tape measure to see the report!
Thank you for all your pledges that have helped us to maintain the cricket fields through lockdown when all our other income streams stopped. Just one week left and the project will end but if you were planning to make a pledge or know somebody else who might there is still time. All the hard work of our volunteers in looking after the ground may also be rewarded as with lockdown easing there are signs that it may be possible to play some cricket later in the summer. Fingers crossed.
Our crowd funding initiative has got 3 weeks left to run. Thanks to everybody who has pledged and helped us nearly double our target. If you were planning to donate there is still time and we thank you in advance. We hope you will soon see some cricket related activity taking place on the grounds which have continued to be maintained by our volunteers during these difficult times We wish all our supporters and our local community all the best as we all move forward out of lockdown.
Whoop, 20 people have pledged since fundraising began!
All our volunteers who maintain our cricket fields are so grateful for all the pledges that have already been made. They have continued with their work throughout the lockdown. Your pledges at a time when our usual fundraising has not been possible will help us meet our continuing essential expenditure. Thank you for the funds raised so far. Any new pledges would be much appreciated and will help us maintain our wonderful leisure facility used by so many people.
Brilliant news, thanks everyone!
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £566
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:
Target (inc. fees) £566
Our Volunteer List
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