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Sparking imaginations across Lambeth

Institute of Imagination By Institute of Imagination

The Imagination Lab is an invaluable resource for London's children; we want to ensure local people are fully engaged and able to shape both its content and the regeneration of the site it occupies.

Lambeth Delivery stage

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This project was funded on 03 Sep 2017!

The Institute of Imagination's (iOi) Imagination Lab is situated on Albert Embankment in a building formerly used by the London Fire Brigade. The local community helped to raise funds to fit out the Lab, transforming it from an empty workshop to a functioning family space. Since officially launching in February the Lab has worked with over 6,000 people from across London. The feedback we have had from schools and families has been fantastic, but we are keen to bring more local people through our doors to ensure we are delivering real and long-lasting local impact. We want local families to feel comfortable and confident in the Lab. Over four months we will design and deliver an innovative, intergenerational programme specifically for them. We will help local children develop vital skills and encourage them to access other cultural and educational offers. And we will ensure that local people are fully engaged as the site is regenerated into a mixed-use community.

What we'll deliver:

  • Recruit a local liaison officer to consult and build relationships with the local community
  • Purchase cutting edge VR headset and computer to facilitate innovative learning experiences
  • Run workshops to co-create content with children, parents and teachers
  • Deliver family workshops specifically for local people
  • Produce evaluation report that collates views of local people to inform iOi's capital development & local regeneration

Why it's a great idea:

With increasing predictions of automation and AI (Artificial Intelligence) changing both our society and our economy, it is vital that children are supported to develop the creative and imaginative skills they will need to thrive in this rapidly changing future. The iOi exists to do just that. If we are to make a difference for children no matter what their background or ability we need to tailor our content and approach to reach those who wouldn't access traditional cultural offers. Children like those in Lambeth. Lambeth faces some significant challenges: less than half the local people speak English as a first language and 38% of children receive free school meals - a recognised indicator of deprivation. Through targeted engagement and by offering cutting edge experiences we can meet the needs of this diverse borough and ensure local voices are heard as the area regenerates, meaning no one is left behind.

Steps to get it done:

  • Appointing a local liaison officer
  • Holding a series of community consultation events
  • Holding a series of local family workshops
  • Holding our evaluation workshop
  • Producing our evaluation report

Cllr Matthew Bennett, Cabinet member for Planning, Regeneration & Jobs, said: “We are delighted that the Imagination Lab has opened on Albert Embankment as it is providing a fantastic new resource for the local community. Lambeth is a diverse and vibrant area, with a rich cultural history, and it is opportunities like those provided by the Institute of Imagination that will help towards our ambition to get 85% of Lambeth residents taking part in regular cultural activities by 2020.”

Location Lambeth

About the space

The Imagination Lab at The Workshop


London Borough of Lambeth

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £29,543

Local liaison officer salary - £8,000
Workshop facilitators - £6,000
Imagination Lab rent and utilities - this has been gifted to us by the site owner, U&I - £6,000
Volunteer management - a dedicated Volunteer Manager volunteers her time one day per week - £3,200
HTC Vive headset and computer - £1,600
Evaluation study and report publication - £1,500
Workshop materials - £1,200
Communications (flyers, posters, social media postings etc.) - £800

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Local liaison officer salary
Workshop facilitators
Imagination Lab rent and utilities - this has been gifted to us by the site owner, U&I
Volunteer management - a dedicated Volunteer Manager volunteers her time one day per week
HTC Vive headset and computer
Evaluation study and report publication
Workshop materials
Communications (flyers, posters, social media postings etc.)

Target (inc. fees)  £29,543

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.

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