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Grantmaker app

Match with more relevant projects, create a greater impact and reduce on admin. Our Grantmaker app helps automate the process of finding and funding the best local projects, letting you engage with the community and leverage your funds better than before.

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Get applications from fresh faces with fresh ideas

From posting your fund, through project matching, to reporting on your impact, the Grantmaker app makes it easy to fund the best projects.

Our Grantmaker app makes it easier to use less money to create an even greater impact. Automatic project matching means you get better qualified leads and we ask project creators your custom questions to ensure their project is right for you, which means you can say "no" less.

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Get matched to great projects

Create your fund

Create a profile so we can match your fund with relevant projects.

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Get matched to great projects

Tell us what you're interested in

Have Spacehive intelligently match eligible projects to your fund, based on your specific conditions.

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Get matched to great projects

Receive and review applications

Receive completed applications from projects which you can review and score confidentially.

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Fund on your own terms

Ask whatever questions you want!

Ask applicants to answer specific questions during their pitch, so you can quickly decide which projects are relevant.

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Fund on your own terms

For contracts, fund upfront or in tranches

Your pledge will be displayed on the project’s timeline.

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Easy impact reporting

Applicants feed back their impact

Spacehive makes it fun and easy for your applicants to report their impact.

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Easy impact reporting

Access real time stats about your portfolio

See the total pledged to projects, value of projects, number and value of co-funders, social and economic impact forecasts and more.

Join the biggest names in fuelling community-led transformation across the UK

Our partners include the leading innovators in government, enterprise and the charity and voluntary sector. Learn how we're working together to fuel change, increase impact and ensure sustainability in communities across the UK.

Interested? Get in touch

Our dedicated team will help you tailor an activation package to suit your needs and ambitions.

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