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Sea Connection for Families & Community

Sea Connection for Families & Community

FLINTS Coastal Permaculture By FLINTS Coastal Permaculture

FLINTS project space and beach group offers nature-based learning & support for children, caregivers and adults through sea-based activities, environmental stewardship, and creative coastal workshops.

Cliftonville Fundraising stage

pledged of £43,371
days left
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Our vision is to create a space where every caregiver and child in Margate can connect with nature, the sea, and each other for their mental and emotional wellbeing. FLINTS was founded in response to the growing need for safe, nurturing environments where families can gather, learn, and experience the therapeutic benefits of being by the water. Too many caregivers feel isolated and overwhelmed, particularly in coastal areas like Thanet, where economic deprivation and social disconnection are common. At the same time, the natural environment is under threat, and many families don’t have the opportunity to engage with it in a meaningful way. FLINTS provides sea-based learning and environmental stewardship activities that nurture both family bonds and the local environment. By offering free/pay-what-you-can sessions, we ensure that our coastal care and community education are accessible to everyone, strengthening our local community while helping protect our coastline for years to come.

What we'll deliver:

  • Deliver weekly sea-based learning sessions for children, caregivers and adults (free/sliding scale)
  • Provide seasonal free community events to mark the solstices
  • Work with local initiatives to provide specifically tailored sessions for migrant mothers and vulnerable adults
  • Create a yield of FLINTS lesson plans, songs, nature crafts and activities to help generate donations and income
  • Launch a renewed social media campaign with content sharing
  • Create a FLINTS volunteer and facilitation training program
  • Update our website and create a simple booking system
  • Regular care for the marine environment through social beach and promenade cleans

Why it's a great idea:

Why it’s a great idea: Margate, and Thanet more broadly, contains some of the most deprived communities in the UK, with many residents experiencing heightened challenges related to economic instability and social isolation. FLINTS will support local adults, caregivers and their children by providing sea-based learning and mental health support, which are crucial in alleviating feelings of loneliness and stress. Many of the families we work with face social and economic difficulties, and our sessions offer them a safe space to reconnect with nature, each other, and the local community. Our project is rooted in environmental education and stewardship, teaching families to care for Margate’s coastline through activities like beach clean-ups and zero-waste practices, while promoting wellbeing through outdoor engagement. By offering free/pay-what-you-can sessions, we ensure that all locals, regardless of their financial situation, have access to these benefits building a stronger community.

Steps to get it done:

  • Review feedback and create impact report from previous years
  • Update website, social media campaign and create simple booking system
  • Deliver weekly sea-based learning sessions for children, caregivers and adults (free/sliding scale)
  • Work with local initiatives to provide specifically tailored sessions for migrant mothers and other vulnerable adults
  • Provide seasonal free community events to mark the solstices, celebrate heritage crafts and care for the environment
  • Create a FLINTS volunteer and facilitation training program and increase our volunteer numbers
  • Create a yield of FLINTS lesson plans, songs, nature crafts and activities to help generate donations and income
  • Regular conservation care for our local marine environment through volunteering days, social beach and promenade cleans

This year, Newgate Gap CIC & FLINTS has been awarded both the Margate Mayor’s Grant and a Highly Commended Certificate for the 2024 Kent Mental Wellbeing Award for our dedication to uplifting mutual care and wellbeing for the community through creative offerings that champion coastal guardianship. Phase 1: We will complete 12 weekly beach sessions for children and caregivers (20 families per session), compile lesson plans and crafts, and launch our social media outreach. Gather feedback from our participants over the course of the project and M&E the data. Phase 2: We will introduce a membership base, partner with schools and organisations, host two seasonal events, and launch adult wellbeing workshops. Phase 3: We will initiate a native coastal species walkway collaboration project with Thanet District Council. Host a Lantern Walk and Solstice Spiral Walk. We aim to hold a ConSeavation Conference to build partnerships and expand our outreach and membership initiatives.

Location Cliftonville

About the space

Newgate Gap Project Space building is embedded into the chalk cliff halfway down the historic Newgate Gap causeway leading down to the beach. There is an accessible promenade above the intertidal beach where we host of beach sessions and events.


Thanet District Council

How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees)  £43,370

Project Delivery Running Costs (ie operations, training, staffing, marketing) - £7,740
39 x Coastal Connection adult workshops x 2 Facilitators - £7,020
39 x Children and Caregiver Sessions x 2 Facilitators - £7,020
Utilities - £4,836
Donation of 378hrs Volunteered time - £4,536
Donation of 1/2 price project space hire reduction - £2,100
1/2 price project space hire - £2,100
Donation of Waived £30 Weekly storage use x 43 - £1,290
Weekly Session Costs £15 per session x 78 - £1,170
Donation of Waived 78 x £10 Beach shelter equipment use - £780
Other - £1,300

Costs Breakdown

This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.

Project Delivery Running Costs (ie operations, training, staffing, marketing)
39 x Coastal Connection adult workshops x 2 Facilitators
39 x Children and Caregiver Sessions x 2 Facilitators
Donation of 378hrs Volunteered time
Donation of 1/2 price project space hire reduction
1/2 price project space hire
Donation of Waived £30 Weekly storage use x 43
Weekly Session Costs £15 per session x 78
Donation of Waived 78 x £10 Beach shelter equipment use
Other Read More
  • IT Costs
  • Promotional Printing Costs
  • Donation of updated beach tools


This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:

  • Contingency for the project to protect against price fluctuation
  • Designing and creating educational resources
  • Planting an edible and native coastal garden in and around Newgate Gap

Target (inc. fees)  £43,370

Our Volunteer List

We're currently looking for people to offer skills and time to develop our project! Check out the list of what we need below and then use the 'Volunteer' button to the right to get involved.
  • At FLINTS, we weave heart-led connection and marine ecology together as we see that conscious care for one another an our coastal environment creates a long lasting impact. Can you donate your time and support with skills to nourish our project?
  • Volunteering at our free community events throughout the year held on the equinoxes and solstices.
  • Be part of the FLINTS volunteering core group to seed and grow an edible and native Coastal Food Garden around the Newgate Gap.
  • Help be the bridge between your established group or other initiatives within the Kent community to expand our reach with our unique holistic marine literacy and wellbeing offerings.
  • Redecoration and renovation skills; volunteered hours to help us with creating storage, hanging doors, insulating plasterboard & repainting the inside of our project space.
  • Be a FLINTS Parent/Caregiver Champion ~ e.g. Regularly spreading the word about our all year round offerings online and offline; bring new families along; serve tea; be a branch of caregiver support; a helping hand with beach equipment pack down.
  • Artisan skills ~ Help us fundraise with a workshop/course of your amazing sustainable & nature based skills using our project space and beach set up. We also welcome proposals for a regular workshop or class that could make regular smaller donations.
  • Sustainable craft materials ~ silk or cotton fabric scraps, 100% wool yarn, wool felt, pure beeswax, Stockmar children's watercolour paints, wire cutters, garden secateurs, lavender oil, Foods ~ organic oat milk, organic teas, organic apples
  • Marine Literacy Skills ~ Looking for sea curious friends with experience to become part of our core FLINTS volunteering team to bring more educational offerings to our Newgate Gap shoreline.
  • Funding Team ~ Any time and skills with helping us fund raise and apply for grants would be gratefully received. Experience and help with; fund raising events, grant applications, compiling regular feedback and creating evaluation and impact reports

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