The Friends of Firs Farm aims to raise funds for a community space where ALL in the community, can come together in a safe, inviting and welcoming environment. An inclusive welcoming safe space, with memory stimulation, and somewhere to, for old and young to come together.
We have been advised that we don't need permission. If we don't get permission then no pledges will be taken from backers.
What we'll deliver:
- Provide a welcoming safe hub for an inclusive community.
- To provide suitable volunteering opportunities for hub users
- Hold event that will raise additional funds to further improve the sustainability of Firs Farm
- Encourage & promote people with All needs to participate in Firs Farms available exercise activities.
- Bringing the community together .
Why it's a great idea:
It is vitally important that we provide safe and welcome spaces where everyone can get together and feel a part of their community, complete with access to good environments.
A fantastic wetlands was created in Firs Farm that has had a huge effect on both the environment and community: Once a flat field among the football pitches now stands: Wetland ponds, dipping platform, educational areas, woodland walks, wheelchair / cycle paths, bridges, new wildlife, and plant & tree species are proving to be such a draw to people that can now access this wonderful space.
Yet community consultations have indicated a strong need to take this further and provide an inclusive Hub/Café space.
- Where people can get together.
- That will provide somewhere to encourage people to take part in Firs Farm activities for health & education, support their local environment and volunteer.
To further enhance the experience for Firs Farm visitors and provide access to others in our diverse community.
Steps to get it done:
- Target Reached
- Funds recieved
- Steering Group agree final design and programme of works
- PM and PDM implement, monitor and review programme plan till completion
- Hub complete / dry run
- Opening / Launch to the public
- Feedback from users
- Continuous :- Review feedback - plan - implement - monitor - review etc. etc
We have had some good news that the temporary building is being provided so we are able to reduce the overall target. We can now focus on collecting the rest of the funds needed to finish creating this very special and much needed community space.
Please pledge today and come to visit once the work has been completed to see what you have contributed to for your community.
It's vitally important to provide spaces where ALL people can come together to become part of the community. This will also be an important space to also:
- Promote the benefits of bringing together both old and young.
- Provide a platform to run events that will support and create an awareness of Dementia
- Empower people
- Make the places better
- Grow prosperity
The hub will:-
- Promote civic pride, empower people and grow prosperity.
- Benefit the environment as it will encourage users to help create a sensory / raised garden and will encourage sustainability.
- Boost the economy as it will encoura