Brilliant news, thanks everyone!
By Lordship Rec Eco-Hub Co-operative
Our community Coop will run a cafe, social, cultural and educational training space in a Tottenham Park encouraging increased park usage and enjoyment, volunteering, healthy eating and general fun
The Friends of Lordship Rec, who created the Co-op, have worked hard for the regeneration of their park, building impressive community and council partnerships over the past 14 years. The new strawbale eco-building, at the centre of this community-led regeneration will be open 7 days a week throughout the year encouraging people to visit and stay longer in the park using and enjoying its many facilities. The building will be totally accessible and welcoming to all and will provide a meeting place and healthy eating place for the local community to share as well as providing training, educational and cultural projects and events that use the natural and environmental aspects of the park and the performing and creative talents of local people. Any person can join the co-operative and become an active participant by volunteering to help with the running of the building. The park hosts several clubs and groups all of whom will use the building as a base.
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
The building is the culmination of all our collective hard work and will be at the heart of creating a great feeling of community spirit and positive energy that will spread across the park and into the surrounding neighbourhood. The building represents what people can do if they build partnerships and work together and this ethos will continue in the running of the building.The park had turned into a neglected wilderness through lack of resources by the 90s despite its rich historic elements. Local people decided to take back ownership in 2001 and to restore it. This process has brought hundreds of people together and created lots of activity in the park which is now a fun and safe place to be. All this willing community involvment enabled the council to atttract outside resources to regenerate the park and create our builiding and now it can only get better and better.
Steps to get it done:
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Brilliant news, thanks everyone!
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £17,767
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
Target (inc. fees) £17,767
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