The funding from CWaC has made a huge difference to us this year. Organisationally we have used separate funding to recruit one of our previous group participants as a group development lead which has had a profound impact on the reach we have to reach out to men who need our groups and this has, in turn had a really positive impact on attendance at our groups. So far this year we have had 1802 attendances at our groups. At Northwich our groups have increased from 3 or 4 per week to 8 per week and we have seen 33 individual men from the town. We now have two local men facilitating our groups and promoting the group locally. We have joined all the local Northwich groups and we have seen men attending from Winsford in our sessions too. We are not yet at the stage to offer the physical fitness session just yet. Although we are getting a steady stream of attendance they are still very much discussing some of the challenges they're facing. We always encourage the men to decide on the activities they want to do and we will develop new activities out of the Northwich group in the new year. This will be based on what the men want to do and we will feed this back to you. In addition to our face to face groups we have also reached over 67000 people on our social media and had over 7000 visits to our pages. Most recently we have also been able to secure a story in The Northwich guardian and there was a clear uptick in attendance following that article too.. Overall the funding received by CWaC has enabled us to increase attendance at our groups, reach more people than ever before through our social media, organise our largest ever event and secure space in news media to further increase our reach.