Brilliant news, thanks everyone!

Bringing a voice of hope & providing compassionate support for the recovery of young people in Royal Surrey hospital and in the community following self-harm, a suicide attempt or emotional crisis.
We provide a compassionate space for young people in emotional crisis in Royal Surrey hospital & in the community. We spend time with them in ways busy staff can't - chatting if they want, relaying information to the nurse or simply distract them with board games. This is how young people put it: “To have someone to chat to took my mind off all that was happening and kept me calm so I could sleep. The Emerge worker made me laugh & I felt safe talking… a weight has been lifted. I have a new lease of life” Joy, the founder of Emerge knows personally how ‘precious it is to have someone come alongside and help us find some light during the darkest hours. Doing this for others is the best thing ever! All our volunteers are passionate about helping young people in crisis towards recovery. “ And it is great to support the wonderful hospital staff who say: “Thank you so much. Hascombe Ward have benefitted so much from having your service. You do an amazing job and make a huge difference.”
What we'll deliver:
Why it's a great idea:
We support local people aged 10-25 in A&E struggling with self-harm, a suicide attempt or emotional crisis. Young minds say that mental ill-health is a 'tidal wave that is breaking now' & it's clear that demand for mental health services exceeds capacity. Mental health clinicians do amazing work but there are too few. And they don’t have time to come alongside young people in the nuanced way we do - we chat, sit with them, play games, relay information to staff for them, talk to parents. Staff and local young people in crisis really need our support. We also signpost & support parents to help. Patients, parents & staff consistently give positive feedback. It is proven that creating a calming environment around psychiatric disturbance shortens patient admissions, lessens the severity of their illness & medication needs. “The emerge service is fundamental to this process, adding staffing at a one to one level without cost to the NHS, win win in terms of psychiatric care!" - A&E Doctor.
Steps to get it done:
Young people express to us how we help them take the first steps towards recovery. "When I met you guys I was below 1% of hope... but you guys held to the 99%. Now I am more like 70% me, 30% you guys. I still have crap days but I am important and I will fight for that!” - young person. Parents tell us in our training workshops how hard it is to access the right help for the young people. CAMHS Liaison Nurses say they feel concerned about the levels of support for young people when discharged. Independent sources show young people value the kind of support we offer - non-clinical, informal, with availability during evenings, in hospitals, & informally in their communities. (Surveys by CAMHS Youth Advisors & the User Voice & Participation groups). This evidence confirms the need to keep our services readily accessible & non -clinical- adding value to the clinical work done with young people in crisis. These funds will further our aim to see equity of provision of our support locally.
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Brilliant news, thanks everyone!
Whoop, 30 people have pledged since fundraising began!
How will the money be spent?Target (inc. fees) £28,579
Costs Breakdown
This shows how money raised for the project will be spent. These costs have been confirmed by the project's Delivery Manager and verified.
This project is enabled for overfunding. If the project hits its funding goal before the end of the campaign period, any extra funds raised will be spent (in order of priority) on:
Target (inc. fees) £28,579
Our Volunteer List
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